♾️ 🤍 The Only Worthwhile thing to do is Sacrifice Your Life to Your CALLING
Your Calling is the Most Important Thing you Don't Care About
2 Ways of Living:
1 Lots of Principles, Directions, Ideologies, Hobbies, Family Goes on until deathbed regretting your life
2 Go ALL IN for 1 thing ONLY All else will follow in the wake of your Calling Simple. Easy. Elegant. No Distractions.
My Calling is People Experiencing Truth
People upgrade their scripts from personhood to God / Creator Leveling up in video game / going Super Saiyan Unique taste/style of Re-Cognizing Unlocking Higher Consciousness Removing the rock covering Well of Honey Only Radiant Sunlight is left
Make the Shift Irreversible Surrendering my next 50 years until my death to TRUTH When you're devoted, everything fucks off & all falls perfectly into your wake
Help those in STO with this format and Global Enlightenment
My Calling is also Unleashing People’s Callings
I've been doing this across Eons for Infinity as my Soul Angle Each Calling is like a unique flower aroma
Disrupt fundamental axioms to OPEN toward Highest Possibility Sacrifice the Person into the Black Hole Align Yourself to God's Love-Light
"I want to do THIS for other people." What is your THIS?! If your Calling has to do with you, it's an ego trip
Calling = Highest Excitement with NO ATTACHMENT to FRUITS = Karma Yoga Purifying where you're coming from, FOCUSING on the ROOTS
Archaeological Excavation of Calling North Star in Labyrinth of your own Creation Look for experiences that reveal your Calling What has made you LIGHT UP like the SUN? Inspiration is Trustworthy Locate your Calling in the most powerful experience of your LIFE. This is MOST REAL. Make the word encompass as much of the EXPERIENCE as possible
Calling is what you are, it's just obscured Calling is the intention that brought you to physical focus Calling is the most important thing in your life Calling is the context for your life Calling is your frequency, quality of consciousness, raw power, pure energy Calling creates a better world Honor = giving something your highest regard Promise to fulfill your Calling in service to Global Enlightenment
What Calling / North Star / Noble, Transcendent Aim is WORTH me giving MY LIFE TO?! If you can't fulfill your Calling, I wouldn't go to battle with you
Calling = Deepest Resonance Password to Computer that you ALIGN yourself to Capture the Essence/Nature of your Calling
Calling is the background nectar of your 'terrestrial life' Calling is where you're COMING FROM More Simple/Elegant = More Powerful
Examples: People Giving Themselves Fully to Truth People Living Wisdom People Knowing They're Already Home People Lighting Up People Going All In for the Moonshot People Being Touched by God's Love People Being Limitless Choice People Experiencing an Open Heart People Being Pure Love People Experiencing Freedom People Being Illuminated People Experiencing Themselves as The Creator People Knowing they are the Source of Love People Are Inspired People Experiencing Divine Love People Gathering their Will People Resting in the Radiant Ease of Being People Igniting Pure Heart Radiance People Experiencing Enlightenment People Following their Highest Excitement People Embracing the Power and Innocence of Divine Energy People Realizing Themselves as Miraculous People Experiencing Radiating Brilliance People Raising the Vibration of Humanity People Being Inspired as Fuck People Experiencing Infinite Possibilities People Manifesting their Missions Businesses Coming From Source People Experiencing Bliss People Experiencing Ultimate Freedom People Experiencing Anything is Possible People Realizing Joy is a higher form of Love