Episode #1 with Jason ► https://bit.ly/DeLeon1
Dr. Jason De León is an Anthropologist, Professor at UCLA, and Director of the Undocumented Migration Project (UMP), a long-term study of clandestine migration between Mexico and the United States. He is a MacArthur Genius Award Recipient and Program Chair for the American Anthropological Association's Annual Meeting.
In the fall of 2020, 94 locations around the globe will install the exhibition “Hostile Terrain 94” to raise awareness about America’s brutal immigration enforcement policy known as “Prevention Through Deterrence” that has claimed the lives of thousands of people since 1994.
http://jasonpatrickdeleon.com http://undocumentedmigrationproject.com https://hostileterrain94.com
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/jason_p_deleon Partner ► https://www.americananthro.org
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