The movie 'Good Stuff' received mixed reviews on Bilibili due to its marketing leaning towards gender issues, which made some users and up主 uncomfortable. However, the film itself transcends gender topics and is an excellent urban comedy that appeals to a broad audience, including men.
Wang Tiemei in 'Good Stuff' is a multi-dimensional character who breaks away from traditional female stereotypes. She is a strong, independent woman who also shows vulnerability and growth, particularly in her relationship with her daughter. Her character represents a new kind of female protagonist in Chinese cinema.
'Good Stuff' addresses gender issues by presenting characters who have already undergone a form of awakening or enlightenment. The film avoids the traditional narrative of women moving from oppression to liberation, instead showing characters who are already aware of gender dynamics and are navigating modern urban life with this awareness.
'Good Stuff' is unique in Chinese cinema for its focus on urban, middle-class life and its use of humor to address serious social issues. The film's director, Shao Yihui, brings a fresh perspective by blending comedy with subtle commentary on gender, relationships, and societal norms, making it a standout in contemporary Chinese film.
The sound montage in 'Good Stuff' is considered one of the best scenes of 2024 because it creatively uses everyday sounds to represent a mother's household labor, transforming mundane tasks into a poetic and powerful visual and auditory experience. This scene highlights the often invisible work of women and does so in a way that is both artistic and emotionally resonant.
Compared to Shao Yihui's previous works, 'Good Stuff' is more self-assured and commercially oriented. While maintaining her signature humor and sharp observations, this film expands her narrative scope and targets a broader audience, making it a significant step forward in her career as a filmmaker.
Humor in 'Good Stuff' serves as a protective layer that allows the film to address serious and potentially controversial topics without alienating the audience. The comedic elements make the social commentary more palatable and engaging, ensuring that the film's messages are delivered in an accessible and entertaining manner.
'Good Stuff' is considered a must-watch for 2024 because it captures the zeitgeist of the past few years, embedding contemporary social issues and cultural references into its narrative. The film's relevance is tied to its timely exploration of gender, urban life, and societal changes, making it a poignant reflection of the current era.
公众号:SMFM2016 尽管邵艺辉导演在电影里和采访里反复强调“我不要打拳”,在性别对立愈演愈烈的当下,《好东西》不可避免的被扣上了对当前形势推波助澜的帽子。但在我们看来,虽然金句乱飞,这部电影其实是一部很纯粹的都市商业喜剧,并且在努力对所有人释放善意。 这次为了在性别上更加均衡,孔老师请来了好朋友「宇宙尽头小酒馆」的蛋黄酱和梁梁,聊聊为什么这部电影,其实男的真的也爱看。 03:59 开分9.1,聊聊我们的观影感受,顺便打个分 13:37 从角色聊起,电影里令人心疼和可敬的女性 38:56 讨论:铁梅的人生状态是否过于悬浮理想,没有代表性? 41:04 电影里可爱又可笑的男孩子们 58:32 金句乱飞,笑点横行,深谙朋友圈爆文之道的邵艺辉 1:09:07 这是不是一部属于上海的电影?电影里的上海彩蛋 01:17:48 声音蒙太奇,年度最佳镜头之一 1:19:43 邵艺辉如何用喜剧来消解说教感 1:22:44 为什么我说,邵艺辉其实是这个时代的冯小刚 1:29:01 邵艺辉和文牧野是中国电影未来的遮羞布 想做嘉宾,联系我们:[email protected] 片尾曲:《明天会更好》by 2022.5.26 上海延庆路部分部分市民 歌曲素材来源:UP主@niaokuxia转载,地址:,视频拍摄:上海市民 孔老师微博@做着学生的孔老师 王老师微博@浩浩很含蓄 什么电台官方微博@什么FM B站:什么电苔孔老师 本期阵容:孔老师、蛋黄酱、梁梁