Wei Chao rejected the job offer because he realized that after five years, he would still be doing the same work as his colleague who had been there for five years. He didn't want to live a repetitive life and sought a more fulfilling path.
Wei Chao joined the Western Volunteer Program in Xinjiang after discovering it on his university's website on the last day of registration. He was open to trying new opportunities and decided to take the chance, which eventually led him to become an assistant to the commander of the volunteer program.
Wei Chao transitioned to the creative field after writing a long poem that caught the attention of a public artist. This led to an invitation to join a think tank focused on artificial intelligence and public art, where he eventually became a partner.
Wei Chao married his ex-wife without much preparation for married life, leading to a relationship that felt more like a partnership than a marriage. He often lost himself in trying to please her, which eventually led to their divorce. However, he expressed gratitude for the experience, as it taught him the importance of self-awareness and handling daily life with care.
Wei Chao advises young writers to first write consistently for five years to determine if writing is truly their passion. If they see writing as a means of survival, he suggests exploring various platforms like non-fiction websites, where they can earn income. He emphasizes the importance of practice and not expecting immediate success.
Wei Chao believes that breaking free from the 'social clock' requires opening one's eyes to different ways of living. He found inspiration from people in his circle who lived fulfilling lives at various stages, which helped him realize that life doesn't have to follow a strict timeline.
Wei Chao aims to become a responsible husband, a grounded worker, and a writer who tells stories with life-affirming power. He is focused on creating a family life free of regret and resentment while continuing to write meaningful works.
Wei Chao recommends the book 'Stoner' by John Williams. He finds it impactful because it explores the protagonist's lifelong journey of self-discovery, which resonates with his own experiences. The book made him feel as though he had lived an entire life alongside the protagonist, gaining deep insights into the human condition.
-封面 / 随手拍©伟超
-主播 / 小木 桑桑
-嘉宾 / 伟超 自由职业者、诗人、独立记者。大学期间靠写小说赚取40w稿费,毕业后参加援疆志愿者计划去新疆工作,回京后在北京中国学中心任职,后跳出舒适区成为独立记者为VICE撰稿,机缘巧合进入创业公司从事创意写作,在婚姻生活中不断寻找自我又迷失自我,现在是一名自洽的自由职业者。
选题策划 / 小木 桑桑
视觉 剪辑 运营 / 小木