cover of episode 2022台北市長辯論會是認真的辯論會👓


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聲動台北 Sounds in Taipei

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The frontrunner candidates for Taipei mayor have faced off against each other in a live televised debate yesterday, seeking support from Voters. The main candidates include Taiwan's ex health minister, a legislator of the main opposition party, and the former deputy mayor. The main debate includes transportaion, attitudes to china, housing policy and childcare subsidies 民調居前的台北市長候選人昨天參與電視政見發表會,來提高選民的支持主要的參選人包含前衛福部部長、在野黨的立委、前副市長,討論的話題包括交通、對中國態度、房屋政策、育兒補助等問題 引用媒體 *Taiwan Plus 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting)