cover of episode 《志愿军2》、《浴火之路》、《749局》-影迷的角落Vol.94


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影迷的角落 | 院线电影 经典佳片 娱乐影视类播客

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DC: 《志愿军2》比第一部更聚焦,视角更微观,战争场面和特效不错,细节处理也比较细致,例如对战壕挖掘和武器使用的细节描写。朱亚文饰演的军事专家角色以及志愿军战士的互动也比较精彩。但整体而言,该片属于可看可不看,对题材感兴趣或喜欢演员的观众可以观看。 Coco: 《浴火之路》前半部分以公路片形式展开,剧情不错,但后半部分逻辑混乱,变成毫无逻辑的大乱斗场面。演员方面,肖央表现最好,刘烨表演夸张,赵丽颖可塑性低,没有撑起角色。影片整体崩坏,缺乏逻辑和思考,场面调度也不行。但肖央的表演以及部分情节还是值得肯定的。 DC: 《749局》剧情逻辑混乱,难以用完整的故事来概括。王俊凯作为演员,在影片中表现平淡,缺乏表情变化。影片特效粗糙,故事缺乏合理性,演员搭配古怪,整体质量差。影片的失败与资金断裂和导演陆川的创作方向、审美等问题有关。 Coco: 同意DC的观点,并补充了对《浴火之路》中其他演员的评价,以及对影片中逻辑漏洞和情节设计的批评。 对《749局》的评价中,Coco补充了关于该片与《九层妖塔》的关系,以及陆川导演在影片制作过程中遇到的资金问题和创作理念等方面的分析。同时,Coco也表达了对陆川导演目前精神状态的担忧。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is 《志愿军2》 considered better than the first part?

《志愿军2》 is considered better than the first part because it focuses more narrowly on the story of a single family, particularly Zhang Zifeng, Zhu Yilong, and Xin Baiqing, during the Korean War. The first part was more fragmented, covering multiple perspectives including the battlefield, negotiations in Zhongnanhai, and the U.S. embassy. The second part provides more detailed war scenes and tactical explanations, such as how to dig trenches to prevent secondary injuries from shrapnel and how to measure distances to counter American tanks.

What are the main criticisms of 《浴火之路》?

The main criticisms of 《浴火之路》 include its lack of logical coherence, especially in the latter part of the film where the story devolves into chaotic action scenes. The film's portrayal of the antagonist's intelligence and the timing of police intervention are also criticized for being unrealistic. Additionally, the character development, particularly for Zhao Liying's role, is seen as lacking depth and complexity, making her performance feel out of place in the film's narrative.

What are the key issues with 《749局》?

《749局》 suffers from a lack of logical coherence and poor storytelling. The film introduces a plot about an alien monster growing underground and a group of children with superpowers, but fails to explain why only Wang Junkai can solve the problem. The special effects are subpar, and the film's pacing and character development are inconsistent. Additionally, the film's attempt to tie into the universe of 《九层妖塔》 feels forced and underdeveloped.

How does the portrayal of war tactics in 《志愿军2》 stand out?

《志愿军2》 stands out in its portrayal of war tactics by providing detailed explanations of defensive strategies, such as how to dig trenches to minimize shrapnel injuries and how to measure distances to counter American tanks. The film also includes a unique scene where a military expert gathers feedback from soldiers on weapon effectiveness, highlighting the challenges faced by the Chinese military in terms of manufacturing precision and the sacrifices made by soldiers.

What is the audience's reaction to the special effects in 《749局》?

The audience's reaction to the special effects in 《749局》 is largely negative, with many describing them as outdated and poorly executed. The film's attempt to create a visually stunning experience falls short, particularly in scenes involving Wang Junkai's character, who is supposed to have wings. The wings are criticized for being static and unrealistic, detracting from the overall visual appeal of the film.

  • 《志愿军2》比第一部更聚焦,视角更微观;战争场面和特效出色;对战争细节的刻画更细致;演员表现中规中矩;豆瓣评分在7分到7.5分之间;票房为国庆档最高,但未突破十亿。

Shownotes Transcript

本期节目聊聊国庆档电影《志愿军2》、《浴火之路》、《749局》。00:08 开场01:13 《志愿军2》11:53 《浴火之路》38:00 《749局》1:03:20 结尾主播:DC嘉宾:CocoBGM:任素汐 - 亲爱的小孩