A wire mesh is a network of sturdy, usually solid wire that spans a kind of orthogonal net and thus enables a kind of fence in the vertical or a kind of fixed plane in the horizontal. So although air can circulate through it and you can see through it without any problems - you still can't go through it vertically but you can't fall through it horizontally either. A bit of wire connected to each other is enough to set up a resistance, an impassability. Injuries in our lives can also become such wires and whole wire meshes, which sometimes protect us from falling but much more often make it impossible for us to move forward. But a good pair of pliers is enough to cut a hole in such a fence and break it open. I wish you the courage to take these pliers - for example in the form of forgiveness - and use them to break through old fences and leave them behind.
I wish you an extraordinary day!