Before there was the mobile phone, telephone calls were mainly possible via cable connections. That is, there were cables stretched over land, for example, in the air from mast to mast, which made communication possible. If everything was in order from the infrastructure point of view, that was no problem. But how quickly could communication fail if the cable was damaged or cut at just one point. Even today, our communication between people - regardless of the medium - is very susceptible to disruption. On the other hand, good communication is something enormously beneficial. The feeling of being able to express what you feel and then also to get the empathy that you are understood - that is enormously valuable, precious and life-giving. So today I advise you to pay attention to this good quality - be it that you give undivided attention in conversations or be it that you actively listen and perhaps even allow yourself openness in your inner dialogue.
I wish you an extraordinary day!