When I was a kid, we sometimes had spun sugar at the fair. I liked it very much. Not because of the taste, but because as soon as you had it in your mouth, it was gone. I found that fascinating. I think in life there are also things like that, which we like but which are without substance in the end. They taste and are delicious for a short time, but they don't last. Such moments - at least in my opinion - should and may exist. But not only. There also need to be more nourishing ones. Those that we have to chew on, but which ultimately nourish us and take us further. I invite you to take a few minutes today to occupy yourself with a thought or a statement by someone that has already made you study or think or challenged you. But please, nothing negative about yourself! If you don't have the material, look up the proverbs in the middle of the Bible and read until you get stuck on a saying and then stay there and see what happens.
I wish you an extraordinary day!