In the world of music, a soloist is someone who plays their own part within a group, often very demanding, and so he or she stands out. They are the well-known, great musicians in these ensembles and receive special attention. In contrast to the solo, there is the com. Com as in communication or communion and perhaps even composer. It is the commonality that is in the foreground here: the community. The composer who writes the works of art, songs, songs for everyone. And there may also be room for a solo - but always in the context of the whole. In general, a soloist is often only a soloist where there is a community with others, otherwise he or she is simply a music-maker. So a solo without a com is not really possible, but a com without a solo is. Kom focusses less on the individual person and more on the whole. And yet the whole is not possible without the individual. Therefore: external attention is not always a measure of significance.
I wish you an extraordinary day!