There are some similar proverbs like "no rose without thorns" or "where there is light, there is shadow". They all say roughly that where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. So there is nothing that is simply good, but there is always a disadvantage somewhere or a price you have to pay for what is pleasant and beautiful. I wonder if that is the case. Perhaps on this earth it is. Even unadulterated happiness comes to an end one day, purely because of our being subject to time. But in eternity? As a Christian, I believe in eternal life. I believe that the original creation, as it was intended but in which we no longer live, can be found there. According to testimonies, without tears and suffering. There is also no more sickness and pain. But certainly roses. Maybe even with thorns - but probably ones that don't sting. I am looking forward to it. You too?
I wish you an extraordinary day!