cover of episode Pig's snout

Pig's snout

logo of podcast Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Shownotes Transcript

The German name for the pig's nose is Schweinerüssel, a compound term: the animal's name - the pig - and the organ, the trunk. When I think of a trunk, I automatically think of an elephant. But a trunk is, by definition, an extended, movable part of the nose or mouth. And the pig needs this to dig up the ground to find food. But it also uses its snout to smell and it uses it to maintain social contacts and communicate with other pigs by pushing and touching them. All these characteristics and behaviours are divided up among us humans: we smell with our noses, use our hands to prepare food and to touch each other, and our mouths to communicate, etc. In our time, there is a tendency to do everything with one device, the smartphone: to pay, to communicate, etc. Does this mean that pigs are ahead of us and we are underdeveloped? What do you think?

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