I think we all know what I call the perfume effect: when we have a new perfume, we immediately notice the different scent. It only takes a little of the substance and we notice it - why? Because our olfactory nerves have not yet become accustomed to it. But only a short time later, the same amount of the same substance is hardly noticeable or perceptible to us. Habituation dominates. Let's be honest: there are many things in our lives that, when we first experienced them, thrilled us and perhaps even stunned us. And today we hardly notice it, we take it for granted. I encourage you to reawaken your senses and perception - and above all your memory - of and for all that was once enormously valuable and unique to you. At that time it was in the true sense habitual and today it is ordinary. Don't allow it - neither in everyday things like a sip of coffee without a sore throat nor an embrace of a close person.
I wish you an extraordinary day!