Surely you have seen an organ in a church before. Especially the larger ones are enormously impressive to me. There are usually very small pipes and then, at the other end of the spectrum, enormously large ones. But they all sound through the same medium: the air that is pressed through them. And metaphorically you could say that maybe a small pipe is jealous of a big one because it is more visible or because it seems to be more important - which is not true. It is the same with us humans. How often do we think of others as being more important or more talented or more popular or ... No, they are not. Just as all the pipes are important for the entire sound spectrum of the organ, we as individuals are also important. You are just as important. And ultimately it is like with the organ pipes: The same Spirit is given to us by God that blows through us and makes us come alive.
I wish you an extraordinary day!