Did you know that oats are almost exclusively a summer crop? These hardy plants thrive in cooler climates and on almost any type of soil. A special feature of oats is that most cereal pests, such as ergot, cannot reproduce in oats. As a result, oats generally do not need to be sprayed. So oats already have a natural resistance to something harmful. How good for us! Not only does it mean less work for us consumers, but it also means they can be grown and processed in a healthier way, without the use of chemicals. If you eat oats in your muesli, you don't realise that. People who also have a good, natural resistance to falsehood, double standards, hypocrisy and other things that destroy human relationships are like these resistant oats. It is healthy to have them in your life. Do you have such people, are you one of them?
I wish you an extraordinary day!