A magnifying glass is something fascinating. It lets me see things in greater detail than I would see them just with my eyes. That means I see things at all or in finer resolution. So a cut glass makes things accessible to me that I would otherwise not perceive. For me, this means that my perception is limited. The magnifying glass does not create anything new, but simply shows me more of what is already there, but which I do not perceive normally, so to speak. Such an aid in the natural or such an aid for our natural perception also exists for our spiritual perception. This makes us more sensitive to what is there: moods, atmospheres, realities in the invisible world. And with it, I can also tackle unpleasant things in this area in a more targeted way - just as a magnifying glass helps me when I have to remove a piece of glass from my skin. But it takes our decision to use these tools consciously.
I wish you an extraordinary day!