cover of episode Logo


logo of podcast Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Shownotes Transcript

Products or companies often have a logo. This can be an image or a text or a font or a combination of these. The idea behind it is, of course, the law of association. That is, when I see this logo, I am immediately reminded of the product or company - and then perhaps even of certain characteristics or experiences. So the logo serves as a memory aid and emotion trigger. Perhaps you have made new year's resolutions or are otherwise working on changing behaviour patterns. Maybe you want to get angry or get upset less quickly, or listen better, etc. And you know how it goes: you forget so quickly and then suddenly you remember again what you had set your mind on. If you are frustrated because of your own forgetfulness: why don't you make a simple logo that you make visible to yourself in different places? It can help you to better realise your intentions or change requests. Good luck!

I wish you an extraordinary day!