In order for a vehicle to be allowed to participate in traffic, it has a license plate - front and rear. This entitles it to participate in traffic. The license plate is available after the vehicle has been registered. The plate is actually just a visualisation of an important process of registration and proof of ownership. This applies to new cars, used cars, expensive or cheap, large or small models, passenger or commercial vehicles. I see parallels to our lives in this comparison: we were all consciously brought into being and I believe that if we have a living relationship with our Creator, that we then receive this uniqueness and entitlement to full life analogous to the license plate of the car, as in traffic. It doesn't primarily count what type of person you are - as with the car - but only that you carry this authorisation, this confirmation in your life. For me, the conscious yes on my part to a relationship with God and His yes to me. I am enormously grateful for that. Are you too?
I wish you an extraordinary day!