London was one of the first cities to systematically begin paving its streets and laying pavements in the 18th century. The kerb was an essential part of these urban infrastructure measures, which aimed to make the city cleaner and safer. This has continued to this day. However, safer is relative. If I'm cycling and a car overtakes me very close, the kerb means I only have a very limited opportunity to swerve to the right. Or in the event of an accident, the kerb can be a major hazard on impact. And it is an obstacle for people with walking and visual impairments. So you have to weigh up what is really an advantage and benefit and what is not - depending on the user group. If you are currently faced with decisions that may have far-reaching consequences, I wish you a good and honest weighing up of the pros and cons and an appropriate decision-making process.
I wish you an extraordinary day!