I woke up the other night because my eye was itching. I had a severe irritation in my eye and couldn't sleep because of it. I rubbed my eye and tried to get rid of the itching. To no avail. I realised that it was probably a small speck of dust in my eye that was affecting my whole body and preventing me from sleeping. How annoying! I had to get up, go to the bathroom, wash out my eye and after a while I was able to go back to bed and thankfully sleep. The incident reminded me of what Paul once wrote to the church in Corinth: if one member of the body suffers, all suffer with it. How true. It is the same with groups of people: if one member of the group is not well, everyone feels it - at least in a healthy relational organism. If the healthy parts help the affected person, things can get better. Perhaps you can help someone around you in this way.
I wish you an extraordinary day!