cover of episode Industrial zone

Industrial zone

logo of podcast Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Shownotes Transcript

You may have grown up in the city or in the countryside and your parents may have worked in agriculture or as teachers or in hospitals or.... and you experienced your environment as orderly and beautiful and your parents' profession as something that satisfied them and offered them regular working hours. And then at some point you saw an ugly industrial complex, chimneys, smoke, large production halls, people who walked around the site almost like robots and hardly radiated any joy - and maybe you thought that you would never want to work like that and that it was desirable not to live near an industrial site or to have anything to do with it at all. But the fact that so many people are so well and happy, that they can live peacefully in the countryside or in a good flat or house in the city - they owe it all to industry, which produces cheaply what we all need. We are sometimes all too quick to turn up our noses at things or people and form a pejorative judgement - without realising how much we owe these things and people and ultimately how much we need them. Wouldn't it be time to be grateful for this, to show respect and perhaps even proactively set a sign of gratitude for others doing what most of us don't want to do?

I wish you an extraordinary day!