In summer, the sun warms the stones and the asphalt or the ground in general. After a cool bath, children like to lie down on these heated stones to get warm again. So the stone absorbs the heat of the sun and gives it off again. What power the sun must have to heat up the lifeless material of the stone! And the stone itself is simple - it receives and passes on - if it is exposed to the sun. It's different with water: it needs a lot more energy to heat up, for example a lake. What are you focused on and what energy do you allow to fill you? Good or destructive? Do you also pass it on or do you only absorb and if you pass it on: can people warm up with you or do you radiate something negative? I wish you for today that you see the sun, absorb its energy and radiate it as a blessing for others!
I wish you an extraordinary day!