If you like coffee - like I do - then you know that a good coffee is one that is freshly ground and brewed. That is, the beans have been well and professionally roasted beforehand - but ideally they are ground just before brewing. Of course, you can also prepare coffee with powder from beans that have been ground for some time. But the loss of quality in taste is noticeable. On the other hand, you can store the roasted beans for a reasonably long time in uncomplicated circumstances until they are ground to make the coffee. I believe that in our lives we are always given situations and experiences in advance - like the roasted beans, which later serve us in situations as raw material to have good thoughts, to give good answers or simply to behave in a way that is life-giving - in other words, to operate the grinder for the final product. I wish you such refreshing experiences today!
I wish you an extraordinary day!