cover of episode Free rider

Free rider

logo of podcast Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Audiostretto 59/4/24 English

Shownotes Transcript

A free rider is someone who shares in the endeavours of others and tries to profit from them without doing anything in return. In other words, a kind of parasite. The image can therefore be used polyvalently or is used in this way in different contexts. It is an image of a vehicle on the road and someone standing on its running board and being transported from one place to another without any action on their part. If we are honest, we all are - we receive benefits and live off things to which we have contributed nothing. There is culture or social achievements that many generations before us have created with a lot of work and discipline and from which we benefit today. Others have invested themselves, we benefit. Perhaps a reason to reflect on this today with humility and gratitude for those who have achieved so much before us that we take for granted today.

I wish you an extraordinary day!