I see in front of me beautiful detached houses, well maintained with a little garden around the house - and a nice garden fence about waist high. The fence is continuous around the whole plot and somewhere there is a gate through which you can get to the house. The fence doesn't really protect the house from intruders. You could climb over it without any problem. But it signals a boundary. A boundary from which owners change and thus also authorities in the area concerned. These are to be respected. We also have our personal boundaries and from experience most of us know the pain of an unwanted border crossing. I encourage you for today to stand by your boundaries and also to erect your own fence and make it visible so that others respect it - but for this they must also be able to perceive it. This way they can consciously stay outside and don't run the risk of suddenly standing on someone else's ground and then maybe even seeing the biting dog running towards them....
I wish you an extraordinary day!