I know a middle-aged woman who wears make-up that is relatively conspicuous. That in itself is not unusual. But she has applied the lipstick so thickly that it looks unnatural and exaggerated to me. In other words, she almost pretends to have a lip thickness with the strong red colour that isn't there. In my incompetent opinion, I would say that she is exaggerating. I don't know whether there are reasons why she's doing this or whether it's just me who notices it. You can also exaggerate with friendliness. Then it comes across as fake. Although some of it may well be genuine, the exaggeration discredits the credibility of what is there, or at least calls it into question. A pity, really. There is certainly a serious endeavour behind it - but, as the saying goes, it backfires. Endeavour and ambition are good, but it is advisable to maintain the boundary to exaggeration.
I wish you an extraordinary day!