Here in the German-speaking world we have the well-known Christmas carol 'Oh Tannenbaum'. It is probably one of the first songs you learn as a child. And yet - if you look at the lyrics - it doesn't have much to do with Christmas at all. But it is part of the tradition, it has become established, naturalised, you might say. A shell without content - when it comes to the Christmas story or message. As is often the case, I think, in everyday life the shell or the form is more important than the content itself. You can sometimes see this in the products you buy: the packaging is sometimes more beautiful and exciting than the content itself. So maybe you can ask yourself today, in what you do, say or think: what is it really about? Is it about the form, maybe about looking good, or is it about the content, about what you can contribute, where you can make a difference? What song and with which contents you sing is up to you.
I wish you an extraordinary day!