In 2007, Carly** became friends with a musician named Brandon Kane on MySpace. The two initially bonded over their love of music, and soon, Brandon regaled her with stories of growing up in the wide-open spaces of the American Southwest and traveling to other exotic places. Carly hung on to his every word. Carly soon shared with her mother that she’d “met” this awesome guy named Brandon Kane. **Within 18 months, Brandon quickly became Carly’s entire world. Unfortunately, Brandon Kane didn't exist.The ease with which one online predator was able to groom, lure, and murder fifteen-year-old Carly Ryan in Australia would not only rock the nation but would make headlines globally. It was a horrifying wake-up call. The world suddenly realized that the darling invention of social media had teeth, and it could bite.Join Jen and Cam as they discuss 'Taking the Bait: The Carly Ryan Story'If you're worried that your child is being groomed online or sexually exploited, please report it.**USA **call 1-800-843-5678 or go online to Cyber Tipline )AustraliaCall Crime Stoppers at 1800 333 000 or report online at Make a report police on 101 or online at you to our team:Written and researched by Lauretta AllenListener Discretion by Edward October from OctoberpodVHS)Executive Producer Nico Vitesse of The Inky Paw Print)Sources:) (lots of errors in this article)[;query=Id:%22chamber/hansards/f6578188-998f-424eb4ef-/0241%22#:~:text=Stephen%20Newman%20was%20charged%20with,and%20that%20was%20Carly%20Ryan](;query=Id:%22chamber/hansards/f6578188-998f-424e-b4ef-677ab731c166/0241%22#:~:text=Stephen%20Newman%20was%20charged%20with,and%20that%20was%20Carly%20Ryan))