cover of episode From a Bathroom Epiphany to Twitter: The Rise of ParametricArchitecture

From a Bathroom Epiphany to Twitter: The Rise of ParametricArchitecture

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Lexicon by Interesting Engineering

Hamid Hazanzadeh
Hamid Hazanzadeh: 我是Hamid Hazanzadeh,一位伊朗建筑师,现居土耳其伊斯坦布尔。我专注于科技与建筑的结合,并运营着Parametric Architecture平台。Parametric Architecture的创立源于我2014-2015年学习参数化软件(Rhino Grasshopper)的经历,以及将可视化脚本融入建筑设计流程的尝试。2016年,我决定在Instagram上创建Parametric Architecture页面,分享我的作品和对参数化设计工具的探索。起初,我主要分享个人作品,后来开始分享其他设计师的作品,并撰写评论。这个平台的成长经历非常有趣,它最初是在厕所里构思并创建的,起初只有20个粉丝,但通过持续分享高质量内容,粉丝数量迅速增长,最终发展成为一个拥有50万粉丝的平台。2020年,我将Parametric Architecture转型为商业模式,拓展了网站、Twitter、LinkedIn等平台,并邀请知名建筑师进行线上直播互动,进一步提升了平台的影响力。 参数化设计利用算法、关系、编码和可视化脚本方法来计算形态、空间和设计。Grasshopper 3D软件的出现使得参数化设计在建筑领域得到广泛应用,它允许建筑师直接使用可视化脚本,从而提高设计效率并进行迭代优化。参数化设计可以将建筑物理学整合其中,缩小了建筑师和工程师之间的差距,使建筑师能够用工程师的语言进行沟通,优化模型,并根据工程师的需求快速调整设计。建筑信息模型(BIM)允许存储建筑的三维模型信息,并与其他软件进行通信,计算和优化模型,从而支持基于数据进行决策。数字孪生技术在建筑领域日益重要,它允许在建筑建成之前对其进行监控,从而进行实时分析和数据驱动决策。参数化设计将定量方法引入建筑领域,虽然建筑美学仍然具有主观性,但数据和计算可以用于创建高效的建筑。AI和计算设计技术的进步正在推动建筑领域出现新的趋势,例如数据驱动设计和文档生成。未来,AI系统可能能够生成建筑设计方案并估算其成本。多材料3D打印技术未来可能实现建筑的整体打印,但该技术目前仍处于发展阶段,需要更多实验和改进。 PA Academy教育平台致力于教授前沿工具,例如Rhino、Grasshopper和基于AI的技术,旨在重塑未来的设计流程,并促进建筑行业的可持续发展。PA Talks播客旨在为建筑师提供一个分享经验和职业建议的平台,其中与Peter Eisenman等知名建筑师的访谈尤为难忘。Parametric Architecture未来计划扩展PA Academy平台,使其知识更易于获取,并降低学习成本,以促进更多建筑师掌握计算设计和AI技术。建筑师职业面临诸多挑战,例如资金不足和工作条件不理想,希望未来能够改善建筑师的工作环境和项目条件。 Christopher McRudden: (访谈主持人的问题和引导性发言,此处省略具体内容,因为核心论点主要来自Hamid Hazanzadeh 的阐述)

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Hamid Hassanzadeh start Parametric Architecture?

Hamid started Parametric Architecture in 2016 to explore and share the possibilities of using parametric design tools like Rhino and Grasshopper in architectural workflows. He was inspired by his own experiments with these tools and wanted to create a platform to showcase his work and educate others about parametric design.

How did Parametric Architecture gain its initial traction on Instagram?

Parametric Architecture gained initial traction on Instagram when Hamid uploaded a video of an interactive parametric facade that received 2,000 views in one hour despite having only 20 followers. The video was liked by famous architects and pages, which gave him the motivation to continue sharing his work weekly, eventually reaching 10,000 followers in seven months.

What is parametric design, and how does it impact architecture?

Parametric design involves using algorithms, relationships, and visual scripting to calculate forms and spaces in architecture. It emerged in the 1990s but became practical with the launch of Grasshopper 3D in 2007. This approach allows architects to optimize designs, iterate quickly, and create complex structures that were previously unimaginable, leading to a paradigm shift in architectural workflows.

How has parametric design bridged the gap between architects and engineers?

Parametric design has bridged the gap between architects and engineers by enabling architects to use tools that optimize models according to structural and engineering needs. This collaborative approach allows both disciplines to work on the same file simultaneously, improving communication and efficiency in the design process.

What role does AI play in the future of architecture according to Hamid Hassanzadeh?

AI is reshaping architecture by enabling architects to brainstorm and visualize designs through tools like DALL-E and MidJourney. While image generation is a small part of the process, AI also aids in data-driven design, documentation, and cost estimation. Hamid believes AI will continue to enhance efficiency and sustainability in architectural workflows.

What is the significance of PA Academy in the architectural community?

PA Academy focuses on teaching cutting-edge tools like Rhino, Grasshopper, and AI-based technologies to architects. It aims to democratize knowledge about computational design and parametric architecture, making it accessible to a wider audience. The academy also collaborates with universities and companies to provide workshops and events that help architects stay updated with emerging technologies.

What challenges do architects face in the modern industry?

Architects face challenges such as low funding for projects, tough competition, and the need to constantly update their skills. Many architects work on projects before securing funding, which makes it difficult to sustain their offices. Additionally, the subjective nature of beauty in architecture often leads to projects being rejected, further complicating their work environment.

Shownotes Transcript

In today's episode, we are joined by Hamid Hassanzadeh), the visionary founder of ParametricArchitecture). Join us as we dive into the inspiring journey of PA from a humble idea born in a bathroom to the global platform it is today. Also, check out our latest merch at Interesting Engineering Shop).