cover of episode Protein, weights and the best way to keep fit: your exercise questions answered

Protein, weights and the best way to keep fit: your exercise questions answered

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Science Weekly

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ai-Min Lee
Benjamin Wall
Clyde Williams
Ian Sample
Jason Gill
Victoria Taylor
@Ian Sample : 针对19-64岁成年人的运动指南建议每周进行至少两次力量训练,目标是主要肌肉群;以及每周进行至少2.5小时中等强度有氧运动或75分钟高强度有氧运动。这些指南基于大量针对普通人群的流行病学研究,但可能需要根据种族等因素进行调整。随着年龄增长,最大心率会下降,但保持心脏健康至关重要。建议老年人根据自身情况循序渐进地增加运动强度,避免受伤。最好的运动是个人喜欢并能长期坚持的运动,任何运动都有益健康。进行抗阻训练可以增加肌肉质量,而肌肉会持续燃烧卡路里,因此即使在不运动时,肌肉也能帮助消耗能量。对于普通健身者来说,无需极端的饮食习惯,但运动后补充碳水化合物和蛋白质有助于恢复。建议根据体重和运动类型调整蛋白质摄入量,一般来说,耐力运动需要1.2-1.5克蛋白质/公斤体重,力量训练需要1.5-2克蛋白质/公斤体重,建议全天分次摄入蛋白质。并非所有素食或纯素食品都健康,需注意其盐分、脂肪和卡路里含量。 @Jason Gill : 研究表明,不同种族人群的健康状况存在差异,例如南亚裔人群的平均体能水平低于白人欧洲裔人群,因此他们可能需要进行更多运动才能获得类似的健康益处。 @Benjamin Wall : 力量训练是应对衰老过程中肌肉和骨骼系统问题(如肌肉流失、力量下降、平衡能力下降和骨密度下降)的最佳运动方式之一,建议定期进行,直到感觉锻炼有效并恢复后再进行下一次锻炼。许多植物性蛋白质(如大豆蛋白、豌豆蛋白、豆腐、菌类蛋白、微蛋白和藻类蛋白)的质量与动物蛋白相当,素食运动员有多种选择。 @Clyde Williams : 对于普通健身者来说,无需极端的饮食习惯,但运动后补充碳水化合物和蛋白质有助于恢复。建议根据体重和运动类型调整蛋白质摄入量,一般来说,耐力运动需要1.2-1.5克蛋白质/公斤体重,力量训练需要1.5-2克蛋白质/公斤体重,建议全天分次摄入蛋白质。 @Ai-Min Lee : 最好的运动是个人喜欢并能长期坚持的运动,任何运动都有益健康。 @Victoria Taylor : 并非所有素食或纯素食品都健康,需注意其盐分、脂肪和卡路里含量。

Deep Dive

The podcast discusses current exercise guidelines for adults (19-64 years old), which include at least two days of strengthening exercises and 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week. It explores whether these guidelines apply equally to all ethnicities, noting research suggesting that individuals from South Asian backgrounds may need slightly more activity to achieve similar benefits.
  • Exercise guidelines for adults (19-64) include strengthening exercises (2 days/week) and 2.5 hours of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week.
  • Studies show that individuals from South Asian backgrounds may need slightly more physical activity than white Europeans to achieve similar health benefits.
  • More physical activity is always beneficial.

Shownotes Transcript

In the second episode of our listener questions special, Ian Sample tells Madeleine Finlay what he has uncovered about who the exercise guidelines were created for and whether they apply to all of us, which exercises are best for keeping us strong, whether we should be eating particular foods when we exercise, and how much protein we need to consume if we’re packing in the hours at the gym. With contributions from Jason Gill, professor of cardiometabolic health at the University of Glasgow; Benjamin Wall, professor of nutritional physiology at the University of Exeter; Clyde Williams, emeritus professor of sports science at Loughborough University; Victoria Taylor, head of clinical support at the British Heart Foundation and I-Min Lee, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Help support our independent journalism at