cover of episode Why older people should be looked after in cold weather

Why older people should be looked after in cold weather

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The Hard Shoulder Highlights

Joanna Donnelly
Sean Moynihan
Joanna Donnelly: 冬季气温骤降,尤其是在夜间,因为太阳角度低,无法产生足够的热量。未来几天气温可能降至零下10度,这取决于降雪情况。极寒天气对易受影响人群的威胁最大,因为他们可能无法获得温暖安全的住所。应该关注那些无法获得住所和温暖空间的弱势群体,并为极端寒冷天气做好准备,尤其是有易受影响人群或动物的人。爱尔兰气候温和,降雪预测存在不确定性,可能转为雨或雨夹雪。一毫米的雨水可能转化为一厘米的积雪,并可能因风力而堆积,造成交通中断。 Sean Moynihan: 寒冷天气对老年人,特别是70岁以上或患有慢性疾病且独居的老年人来说是一个公共卫生问题。老年人面临能源贫困、冬季死亡率高和跌倒风险增加等问题。在寒冷天气中,老年人应优先考虑取暖、服药和热食,并保持联系。ALONE 组织全天候提供服务,并主动联系服务对象,尤其关注弱势群体。不要指望他人会照顾老年人,社区应该互相帮助。寒冷天气对老年人的影响是一个公共卫生问题,需要社区共同关注。老年人应优先考虑取暖、食物和药物,如有经济困难可寻求帮助。不要因为担心能源费用而吝啬取暖,生病的治疗费用更高。老年人应谨慎外出,避免跌倒,因为跌倒可能导致严重后果,甚至死亡。建议人们主动关心身边的老人,不要依赖他人。社区互助在寒冷天气中尤为重要,主动关心他人能够建立友谊。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What are the potential health risks for older people during extreme cold weather?

Older people, especially those over 70 or with chronic conditions, face significant health risks during cold weather. These include energy poverty, excess winter deaths, and increased susceptibility to illnesses like pneumonia. Falls are a major concern, with 15% of older hospital admissions due to falls, a risk that increases with icy conditions. A fall or broken hip for someone over 70 can be life-changing.

Why is it important for older people to prioritize heating during cold snaps?

Prioritizing heating is crucial because prolonged exposure to cold can lead to serious health issues, including pneumonia and other illnesses. Many older people live in low BER-rated homes, making it harder to stay warm. ALONE advises older people to focus on heating, medication, and hot meals, even if it means worrying about energy bills later. Utility companies are often understanding and can help negotiate payments post-crisis.

What practical steps does ALONE take to support older people during cold weather?

ALONE operates a 12-hour daily helpline to assist older people with issues like access to medication, healthcare, heating, and food. They also proactively check in with 42,000 older people who have used their services, especially those most vulnerable. ALONE collaborates with community groups, the Gardaí, and Civil Defence to ensure support is available. They encourage older people to stay connected and reach out for help when needed.

How does cold weather impact driving conditions and what precautions should drivers take?

Cold weather can lead to icy roads, making driving hazardous. Even if roads are gritted, drivers should exercise caution as liquid on the ground can freeze and create slippery conditions. Joanna Donnelly from Met Éireann advises drivers to be prepared for potentially icy situations over the next few days and to take extra care when traveling.

What are the potential consequences of a fall for older people during icy conditions?

Falls are particularly dangerous for older people, with 20% of those who break a hip dying within the next year. For others, a fall can lead to a long recovery process or permanent disability. Icy conditions significantly increase the risk of falls, making it essential for older people to avoid unnecessary outdoor trips and seek support for essential needs like groceries or medication.

What role does community support play in helping older people during cold weather?

Community support is vital during cold weather, as older people may hesitate to ask for help due to pride or independence. ALONE encourages family, friends, and neighbors to proactively check in on older individuals, offering assistance with heating, food, and medication. A simple phone call or visit can make a significant difference, especially for those living alone, who make up 30% of the over-65 population.

Shownotes Transcript

Despite any excitement when it comes to the potential for snow, this upcoming cold snap can have serious effects – especially on older people. ALONE, the charity that helps older people age at home, has called for older people to seek all available supports during this period.

Joining guest host Adrian Kennedy to discuss is Sean Moynihan, the CEO of ALONE, and to give an update on what we should expect from the weather is Joanna Donnelly, Met Éireann Meteorologist.