cover of episode Should we be fat shaming our pets?

Should we be fat shaming our pets?

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The Hard Shoulder Highlights

Pete Wedderburn
Pete Wedderburn: 我是一名兽医,长期以来关注宠物肥胖问题。这是一个日益严重的社会问题,许多宠物主人已经习惯了肥胖的宠物,甚至认为正常的宠物体重过轻。这与人们对宠物健康的认知不足有关,也与社会中食物过剩的大环境有关。宠物,如同人类一样,拥有本能地尽可能多进食以应对未来食物短缺的倾向。绝育后的宠物更容易肥胖,因为主人通常不会减少它们的食量,而宠物的体重增加是一个循序渐进的过程,主人往往难以察觉。因此,定期称重宠物至关重要,这能帮助主人及时发现宠物体重异常,并采取相应的措施。我建议主人定期带宠物去兽医诊所称重,并记录宠物的体重变化。某些犬种,例如拉布拉多犬,比其他犬种更容易发胖。观察宠物腰围的变化也是判断其是否肥胖的重要指标。健康的宠物应该拥有较窄的腰围,呈V字形。生长期的宠物通常不会发胖,只有在10个月大以后才容易发胖。宠物肥胖会引发多种严重的健康问题,例如慢性炎症、心脏病、关节炎和糖尿病等,严重影响宠物的生活质量,使其行动迟缓,甚至感到沮丧。及早发现并控制宠物体重至关重要。可以通过触摸宠物的背部和肋骨来判断其是否肥胖。如果无法自行判断宠物体重,可以咨询兽医。对于猫咪来说,由于它们经常在多个邻居家觅食,体重管理更加困难。许多人过度喂养猫咪,导致猫咪肥胖。因此,建议主人控制猫咪的食量,并避免让猫咪在多个地方获得食物。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are pets increasingly becoming overweight?

Pets are becoming overweight due to excessive nutrition and overindulgence by their owners. Animals, like humans, have an instinct to eat more as an evolutionary insurance against uncertain food availability. Additionally, spaying or neutering increases the likelihood of weight gain by about 50%, and owners often fail to adjust feeding amounts accordingly.

What are the health risks associated with pet obesity?

Pet obesity leads to chronic inflammation, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and a reduced quality of life. Overweight pets often feel miserable and lethargic, and the extra weight can cause joint and mobility issues. For example, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel regained energy and enthusiasm after losing excess weight through a strict diet.

How can pet owners monitor their pet's weight effectively?

Pet owners should weigh their pets regularly using walk-on scales at vet clinics. Vets can generate weight graphs over time to track trends. Owners should also look for physical signs, such as a lack of a V-shaped waist when viewed from above or difficulty feeling the spine and ribs under a layer of fat.

Which breeds are more prone to weight gain?

Certain breeds, like Labradors, are more prone to weight gain. These breeds have a genetic predisposition to overeat and store fat, making them more susceptible to obesity if their diet and exercise are not carefully managed.

How does spaying or neutering affect a pet's weight?

Spaying or neutering increases a pet's likelihood of gaining weight by about 50%. This is due to hormonal changes that reduce their metabolic rate. Owners often fail to adjust feeding amounts, leading to gradual weight gain over several months.

What are some innovative methods for helping pets lose weight?

Some extreme methods, like inserting a balloon into a dog's stomach via endoscopy to reduce food intake, have been used. However, these are not widely recommended. Instead, regular monitoring, controlled diets, and exercise are more practical and effective solutions.

How can owners manage outdoor cats that are fed by multiple households?

Managing outdoor cats fed by multiple households is challenging. Some owners use tags on the cat's collar stating 'Do not feed me.' Additionally, limiting food availability at home, such as avoiding leaving out dry food all day, can help prevent overeating.

What physical signs indicate that a dog is overweight?

Signs of an overweight dog include a lack of a V-shaped waist when viewed from above, difficulty feeling the spine and ribs under a layer of fat, and a straight or bulging appearance over the hips. Regular weight checks and physical assessments are crucial for early detection.

Shownotes Transcript

As Christmas is a time for relaxation and over-indulgence, you may have fed your pet more than usual - one or two walks may have been forgotten about… But, should you put them on a diet?

Joining Kieran to discuss is Pete Wedderburn, also known as ‘Pete the Vet’!