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Should the state run their own version of

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The Hard Shoulder Highlights

Danny Mourning
Jennifer Whitmore
Jennifer Whitmore:我认为RIP.ie收费后,会造成多个网站出现,导致信息分散,不利于公众查找讣告,尤其对老年人和农村地区居民造成不便。我经历了父亲去世的悲伤,深刻体会到一个集中信息的网站的重要性。因此,我认为国家应该运行一个类似的网站来集中信息,这不会花费太多资源,因为HSE已经拥有相关的注册和信息管理系统。这将是一个重要的公共服务,方便人们表达哀悼和道别,维护我们重要的传统。 虽然一些殡葬业者已经开始提供免费的替代服务,但这会导致信息分散,人们难以找到讣告信息。即使最终只有一个或两个网站胜出,信息仍然会分散。我认为,这属于国家应该提供的基本公共服务,不应该收费。 Danny Mourning:我们创建了一个免费的讣告网站,因为我们意识到殡葬业者在账单上增加额外费用的顾虑,而这个网站的运营成本很低。我们已经在这个行业工作了近30年,了解殡葬业者的需求和公众的担忧。 听众:在RIP.ie出现之前,人们通过当地电台获取讣告信息,因此没有必要设立国家服务。过去人们在报纸上付费发布讣告,没有人对此有异议,所以国家运营网站是一个荒谬的概念。RIP.ie已经运营了20年,不断改进,并非完全免费。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Jennifer Whitmore advocating for a state-run funeral notice service?

Jennifer Whitmore believes that has been an invaluable free service, particularly for older people and those in rural areas, as it centralizes funeral notices. She is concerned that the introduction of charges by and the emergence of multiple alternative sites will fracture the service, making it harder for people to find information in one place. She argues that a state-run service could replicate's functionality and ensure a single, reliable source for funeral notices.

What are the concerns about starting to charge for funeral notices?

The introduction of charges by could make funerals more expensive and lead to the fragmentation of the service. Multiple alternative sites are emerging, which could confuse users and undermine the centralized nature of the service. Jennifer Whitmore highlights that this could make it difficult for people to find funeral notices, especially for those who rely on a single, trusted platform.

What is the argument against a state-run funeral notice service?

Critics argue that the state's involvement could make the service more expensive and inefficient. They also point out that the market is already responding to's charges with free alternatives, and competition could improve the service. Additionally, some believe that the state should not interfere in a functioning free market and that the situation should be allowed to evolve before considering state intervention.

How does Jennifer Whitmore respond to concerns about state involvement increasing costs?

Jennifer Whitmore acknowledges the potential for inefficiency but argues that the state already manages similar services, such as births, deaths, and marriages through the HSE. She believes that extending this to include a centralized funeral notice website would not be costly or resource-heavy, as it would primarily involve creating a website with a database.

What is the significance of in Irish communities? has become a crucial platform for Irish communities, especially for older people and those in rural areas. It allows people to stay informed about deaths in their locality, enabling them to attend funerals, offer condolences, and maintain community connections. Jennifer Whitmore emphasizes its importance by sharing a personal example of how it helped her family during her father-in-law's funeral.

What are the potential consequences of having multiple funeral notice websites?

Multiple websites could lead to confusion, as people may not know where to find funeral notices. This could result in missed funerals or delayed condolences. Jennifer Whitmore argues that a single, centralized platform is essential to maintain the service's effectiveness and ensure that everyone can access the information they need easily.

What is the counterargument to Jennifer Whitmore's proposal for a state-run service?

Some listeners argue that Ireland managed funeral notices through local radio and newspapers before existed, and there is no need for a state-run service. They believe the market should be allowed to resolve the issue naturally, and that competition among existing and emerging platforms could lead to better services without state intervention.

How does Jennifer Whitmore justify the need for a state-run service despite market alternatives?

Jennifer Whitmore argues that while market alternatives are emerging, they may not provide the same level of service as She emphasizes the importance of having a single, reliable platform for funeral notices, which she believes the state could provide efficiently. She also highlights the cultural and communal value of maintaining a centralized service for such an important aspect of Irish life.

Shownotes Transcript

After the owners of announced that they would start charging people to put up funeral notices on their website, a few smaller new sites began to spring up around the country offering the service for free.

Jennifer Whitmore, Social Democrat TD for Wicklow, is now calling for a state-run funeral service to centralize funeral notices. She joins Kieran to discuss.