cover of episode Experiences on the ground of the California wildfires

Experiences on the ground of the California wildfires

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The Hard Shoulder Highlights

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Darren Kennedy
Riva Duncan
Teddy Leonard
Darren Kennedy:我身处洛杉矶,距离帕利塞德斯山火和好莱坞日落山火都比较近。我亲眼目睹了火灾的巨大破坏力,浓烟遮天蔽日,许多朋友的房屋被烧毁。虽然部分地区生活看似恢复正常,但成千上万的人流离失所,空气质量也严重恶化,这给城市蒙上了一层挥之不去的阴影。同时,我也看到了社区的互助精神,人们互相帮助,共渡难关。然而,也存在一些不和谐的现象,例如趁火打劫等。 Teddy Leonard:我的餐馆Reel Inn在山火中被烧毁,火势蔓延迅速,即使消防员尽力抢救,也难以控制。虽然餐馆化为灰烬,但社区的巨大支持让我深受感动。许多人将餐馆视为第二个家,大家一起分享了美好的回忆。至于未来能否重建,目前还存在不确定性,因为餐馆位于州立公园的土地上。我的家也面临着危险,目前还不知道是否安全。这场灾难既带来了巨大的损失,也展现了人性的光辉与阴暗。 Riva Duncan:消防员们在极端恶劣的条件下奋力救火,他们不仅要灭火,还要进行救援和疏散,这将对他们造成长期的身心创伤。由于强风和干旱,火势难以控制,消防员们只能采取一些策略,例如设置防火线,保护建筑物等。城市规划需要考虑到野火风险,改进建筑规范和城市布局,才能更好地应对未来的野火灾害。同时,居民也应该积极参与,例如清理房屋周围的杂物等。

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Key Insights

How close was Darren Kennedy to the California wildfires, and what did he observe?

Darren Kennedy was about 15 kilometers from the Palisades fire and 1.5 kilometers from the Sunset fire in Hollywood. He witnessed the flames from a rooftop, describing them as dynamic and terrifying, with a massive cloud of smoke blocking sunlight the next day. Evacuation orders were issued, and traffic chaos ensued as people fled the area.

What was the impact of the wildfires on Teddy Leonard's business, The Reel Inn?

The Reel Inn in Malibu was completely destroyed by the fire. The flames engulfed the building rapidly, and the cameras on the property went black as the structure burned down. The business, which had been a community hub for 36 years, is now uncertain about rebuilding due to land ownership issues with the state park.

What challenges are firefighters facing in combating the California wildfires?

Firefighters are dealing with extreme conditions, including 100-mile-per-hour winds, drought-induced water shortages, and rapidly spreading flames. Their efforts are focused on lifesaving, evacuations, and protecting structures where possible. Many have been working non-stop with little rest, and the trauma of witnessing widespread devastation will have long-term effects on them.

What strategies are firefighters using to control the wildfires?

Firefighters are shifting to point protection, focusing on areas where they can make a stand and stop the fire's forward progress. They are also planning containment lines for when the winds die down. The strategy involves protecting structures and neighborhoods ahead of the fire, even if it means not directly tackling the flames in some areas.

What role does urban planning play in mitigating wildfire risks?

Urban planning could significantly reduce wildfire risks by incorporating firebreaks, zoning changes, and stricter building codes, such as requiring metal roofs or fire-resistant materials. However, despite discussions after major fires, these measures are often not implemented due to cost concerns or lobbying against stricter regulations.

How has the community responded to the wildfires in California?

The community has shown both resilience and division. Acts of generosity include people opening their homes to evacuees, offering free food, and sheltering animals. However, there are also reports of looting and price gouging on rentals, highlighting the contrasting sides of human behavior during crises.

What is the current state of air quality in areas affected by the wildfires?

The air quality is extremely poor, with high levels of smoke and particulate matter. Residents are advised to limit outdoor activities, wear masks, and avoid prolonged exposure, especially those with asthma or respiratory issues. The smoke has caused burning sensations in throats and reduced visibility, creating an eerie atmosphere.

What are the long-term effects of wildfires on firefighters?

Firefighters face long-term trauma from witnessing widespread destruction and loss of homes. While they remain focused on their duties during the crisis, the emotional and psychological impact of such devastation will affect them later, highlighting the need for mental health support in their profession.

Shownotes Transcript

The wildfires in California are still burning, with constant updates about the carnage continuing to pour in.

Joining Kieran to give his experience of the fires is Teddy Leonard, owner of the Reel Inn in Malibu, California, as well as Riva Duncan, Executive Secretary of the Grassroots Wildland Firefighters and TV host Darren Kennedy also join to discuss.

Image: Reuters