At the end of Parshas Miketz, the brothers are submissive with Yosef and prepared to stay as his slaves. However, at the beginning of Vayigash, Yehuda is threatening Yosef with war and destruction if he tries to keep Binyamin. What caused the change in approach? An approach based on the Ohr Hachaim, Lev Eliyahu, and the Kovetz Hearos to the topic of when we fight back, and when we don't. May this dvar torah be a zechus for refuah for Erez ben Hadas and Eitan ben Batsheva among the other hostages, and for refuah for Chaim Dov ben Minah Rachel and Avraham Nechemia ben Braynah among the rest of the Cholei Yisrael. Have a good Shabbos.