cover of episode Day 271 - Disciples of the Word (Mark 1, Matthew 4, Luke 4, John 1 - 2) Year 2

Day 271 - Disciples of the Word (Mark 1, Matthew 4, Luke 4, John 1 - 2) Year 2

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Daily Bible Podcast - Audio Bible Reading Plan

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  • Mark 1:12 - 13, Matthew 4:1 - 11, Luke 4:1 - 15, John 1:19 - 2:25


  • Disciple

In Mark 1:12-13 and Matthew 4:1-11, we find Jesus, freshly baptized, being led by the Spirit into the wilderness. There, for forty days, He faces temptation from the devil himself. This isn't just a quick moment of temptation—it’s an extended period where Jesus is vulnerable, fasting and surrounded by wild animals. Yet, in every trial, He counters Satan's words with Scripture, demonstrating the power of God's Word.

Luke 4:1-15 echoes this narrative, emphasizing Jesus’ reliance on the Word of God. Despite hunger and the promise of worldly power, Jesus stands firm, rebuking Satan with scripture. After this intense spiritual battle, Jesus returns to Galilee, filled with the Spirit’s power, and begins teaching in the synagogues. This marks the start of His public ministry and shows us the importance of being grounded in Scripture.

In John 1:19-51, John the Baptist is approached by priests and Levites questioning his identity. He humbly points to Jesus, proclaiming Him as the Lamb of God. When Jesus passes by, two of John’s disciples leave him to follow Jesus, showing a willingness to pursue the greater calling. These men, Andrew and Simon (later called Peter), alongside Philip and Nathanael, become the first followers of Jesus.

Jesus performs His first miracle at the wedding in Cana, turning water into wine. This miracle isn't just about solving a social faux pas; it's about revealing His glory. His disciples witness this and believe, marking the beginning of their journey in understanding who Jesus is.

Later, during Passover in Jerusalem, Jesus cleanses the temple, driving out merchants and money changers. This act reveals Jesus' zeal for God's house and highlights the need for purity in worship. When questioned, Jesus speaks of His body as the temple, foreshadowing His death and resurrection. Many missed the deeper meaning of His words, showing us the importance of being true disciples—listeners and learners of Jesus’ teachings.

Jesus exemplifies what it means to be a disciple of the Word.

John the Baptist had his own disciples, but when Jesus came, John's followers left him to follow the Lamb of God. This is the heart of discipleship: learning, following, and continually seeking Jesus. Today, we see the beginnings of Jesus gathering His disciples—those who would sit at His feet, absorb His teachings, and eventually carry on His mission.

Being a disciple of Christ means immersing ourselves in His Word, surrounding ourselves with fellow believers, and being open to both encouragement and correction. It's about sitting at the feet of Jesus and letting His words shape our lives.

But it doesn’t end there. We are also called to disciple others. This might be through raising your children and grandchildren in the faith, mentoring young believers, or leading a Bible study. We are all part of a spiritual lineage, learning from those who went before us and passing on what we've learned to others.

Think of it like this: We must be poured into by the Word, by a solid church community, and by seasoned believers so that we can, in turn, pour into others. The best disciples are those who are filled with God's truth and are actively sharing that truth with others.


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