He believes it helps people start the year by reading the Bible together, fostering a communal spiritual journey.
He notes that dogs and children are drawn to Jesus, suggesting that their instincts recognize His goodness and safety.
They intended to test Jesus, hoping to find a reason to accuse Him by pitting Him against Moses' law.
Jesus wrote on the ground, likely addressing the accusers' sins, which led them to leave one by one, convicted by their conscience.
The older accusers left first because they believed their longer lives had accumulated more sin, making their conscience more convicted.
Jesus told her, 'Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more,' urging her to stop practicing sin and not let it rule over her.
They likely didn't bring the man because he was probably hired to entice the woman, and their goal was to entrap Jesus, not enforce justice.
He argues that self-righteous individuals often minimize their own sins, making them just as lost as those consumed by obvious sin.
He suggests that the Ten Commandments make people uncomfortable because they reveal our guilt and the sins we commit.
He clarifies that while we are commanded to judge, it should be done by observing actions, not by hypocritically condemning others while practicing the same sins.
The Bible says that ALL have fallen short of the glory of God. Yet, the temptation to categorize, compare and justify our sin is real. What is the solution? Join Pastor Jack to learn how recognizing our daily need for Christ will keep us from this trap.