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Stop Throwing Stones

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Jack Hibbs Podcast

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Pastor Jack
牧师杰克在节目中阐述了圣经中关于所有的人都犯了罪的教导,并指出人们很容易陷入比较、分类和为自己的罪辩护的陷阱。他强调,认识到我们每日对基督的需要是避免这种陷阱的关键。他引用了约翰福音8章中耶稣处理通奸妇人的故事,说明耶稣谴责的是那些自以为义前来定罪妇人的法利赛人,而不是妇人本身。耶稣的行为突显了神对所有人的爱与饶恕,无论他们犯了什么罪。牧师杰克进一步解释说,我们应该通过观察一个人的行为来判断他是否是真正的基督徒,而不是仅仅听信他的言辞。真正的基督徒应该活出基督的样式,他们的生活应该反映出他们的信仰。他提醒听众,不要将圣经中的“判断”与以双重标准评判他人混淆。我们被呼召去辨别真假,但不是以自我为中心去论断他人。最后,他鼓励听众认识到我们都需要基督,并每日寻求他的恩典和饶恕。 牧师杰克还探讨了律法与恩典的关系。他指出,律法揭示了神的公义,但它不能拯救人。只有通过基督的救赎,我们才能得到赦免。他强调,我们不能用自己的“义”来掩盖罪恶,认为自己与其他人不同。我们都需要神的恩典,都需要每日来到基督面前寻求饶恕和更新。他以约翰福音8章中耶稣处理通奸妇人的故事为例,说明耶稣并没有谴责妇人,而是谴责那些自以为义前来定罪妇人的法利赛人。这个故事突显了神的爱与饶恕,以及我们对基督的需要。牧师杰克也提醒听众,要警惕那些自称基督徒却行为不端的人。我们需要通过观察他们的行为来判断他们是否是真正的基督徒。他鼓励听众活出基督的样式,成为世上的光,让我们的生活见证神的爱与恩典。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Pastor Jack encourage people to read the one-year Bible?

He believes it helps people start the year by reading the Bible together, fostering a communal spiritual journey.

What does Pastor Jack say about the behavior of dogs and children around Jesus?

He notes that dogs and children are drawn to Jesus, suggesting that their instincts recognize His goodness and safety.

Why did the scribes and Pharisees bring the woman caught in adultery to Jesus?

They intended to test Jesus, hoping to find a reason to accuse Him by pitting Him against Moses' law.

What did Jesus write on the ground when asked about the woman's punishment?

Jesus wrote on the ground, likely addressing the accusers' sins, which led them to leave one by one, convicted by their conscience.

Why did the older accusers leave first when Jesus said, 'He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first'?

The older accusers left first because they believed their longer lives had accumulated more sin, making their conscience more convicted.

What was Jesus' response to the woman caught in adultery?

Jesus told her, 'Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more,' urging her to stop practicing sin and not let it rule over her.

Why did the scribes and Pharisees not bring the man involved in the adultery to Jesus?

They likely didn't bring the man because he was probably hired to entice the woman, and their goal was to entrap Jesus, not enforce justice.

What does Pastor Jack say about self-righteousness and sin?

He argues that self-righteous individuals often minimize their own sins, making them just as lost as those consumed by obvious sin.

Why does Pastor Jack believe the Ten Commandments make people uncomfortable?

He suggests that the Ten Commandments make people uncomfortable because they reveal our guilt and the sins we commit.

What does Pastor Jack say about judging others?

He clarifies that while we are commanded to judge, it should be done by observing actions, not by hypocritically condemning others while practicing the same sins.

Shownotes Transcript

The Bible says that ALL have fallen short of the glory of God. Yet, the temptation to categorize, compare and justify our sin is real. What is the solution? Join Pastor Jack to learn how recognizing our daily need for Christ will keep us from this trap.