John Pollock) and Brandon Thurston) continue their coverage of the allegations against WWE including new information on the Ashley Massaro case.
Joining us is Tim Marchman of VICE News), who has been reporting on these stories and learned of an NCIS investigation into the Massaro case following her death in 2019.
Plus: Bruce Prichard’s comments on the Janel Grant lawsuit, the latest on Scott D’Amore’s exit from TNA, the Super Bowl audience, TV ratings & more.
Reporting by Tim Marchman:
WWE Wrestler Ashley Massaro Accused Vince McMahon of Sexually Preying on Wrestlers)
Despite Denials, WWE Management Knew Wrestler Said She Had Been Raped on Military Base)
Co-Defendant in Vince McMahon Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Says He Was a Victim Too)
To contact Tim Marchman:
Are you a current or former female WWE wrestler with a story to tell, or wondering if there’s a point to speaking out? Contact reporters covering sex trafficking at [email protected] or [email protected]. For extra security, download the Signal app to a non-work device and text us there at 267-713-9832. Confidentiality assured.
*Music courtesy: *“Panic Beat” Ben Tramer)
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