“The Godfather” Nate Milton), “The Professor” Kris Ealy), and “The Youngest In Charge” Andrew Thompson) are joined by Phil Lindsey) (Bleacher Report, the Grapsody) podcast) for an entire episode of "Nubian News”!
Saturday morning's alright for fighting...Or at least for listening to The Advocates talk about folks fighting!The guys discuss ROH’s decision to temporarily suspend operations, Moose winning the Impact World Championship, the curious case of “Bearcat” Lee*, AEW’s TBS Title Tournament, and Lio Rush leveraging his opportunities.
All that, plus Nate gives Andrew a brand-new gimmick on this month's edition of The N.W.A. Podcast!*This episode was recorded prior to the most recent round of WWE roster cuts, which included the releases of Keith Lee & B-Fab of Hit Row.
The NWA Podcast *is a monthly podcast that drops every 2nd Saturday on POST Wrestling!****Photo Courtesy: *All Elite Wrestling)
Kris Ealy on Twitter: @KMEDoesIt** ******)Nate Milton on Twitter: @N8Mozaik** ******)Andrew Thompson on Twitter: @ADThompson__** ****)“For The Culture)” produced & performed by** Righteous Reg)
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