cover of episode Fan Faves: Pajamas & The Incredible Edible Bed with Mindy Thomas from Wow in the World!

Fan Faves: Pajamas & The Incredible Edible Bed with Mindy Thomas from Wow in the World!

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Ear Snacks Podcast for Kids

Shownotes Transcript

Do you wish you could wake up on a bed of delicious toast? Do restaurants in your neighborhood sound like song lyrics? Our friend Katara from Brooklyn, NY, shares two ways our episode about Pajamas (with Wow in the World’s Mindy Thomas!)) connects with her life. Let’s get cozy!

In Pajamas II, we explore:

  • Pajama Day!

  • The Science of Sleep (why our bodies need rest)

  • The idea of the “Sleepunder” (instead of sleepover)

  • Trippy Dreams

  • How different families say goodnight

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What's your kiddo's favorite episode of Ear Snacks? For a chance to be featured on the show, let us know at!

Interview: Your Favorite Ear Snacks Moment!

Please record kids’ answers via voice memo, give them time to answer, skip/expand on these questions as needed, and don’t forget -- have fun! E-mail recordings to [email protected]

  • Say: Hi, Andrew & Polly and Ear Snacks Listeners!

  • Who are you?

  • (What's your first name? How old are you? Where do you live? For this one, it's especially helpful if they answer in full sentences - "My name is ______ or I am _______.")

  • When and where do you listen to Ear Snacks? Who do you listen with?

  • What's your favorite episode of Ear Snacks?

  • What's your favorite thing that has happened on Ear Snacks?

  • Why do you like to listen to that part so much?

  • Have you ever been inspired to explore something, make something or have a family joke or something you say to each other because of something on Ear Snacks? What is it?

  • Anything else you want to share with Andrew & Polly?

  • What do you call kids who listen to Ear Snacks? (Ear Snackers? Ear Snacks friends? Ear Snacks people?)

  • Tell us to play your favorite part in your own words, or say one of these:

    • Cue the tape!
    • Will you play it now?
    • Let's listen to it! I love this part!
    • Let's just play it already!
    • Remember that time on Ear Snacks when...
  • Say: Bye, Andrew & Polly!

E-mail your voice memo to [email protected]