A few years after his service in the Marine Corps, Aaron Childress walked into his garage one afternoon and hung himself from the garage door track with an electrical cord. In this podcast episode, Aaron shares his amazing story detailing how he miraculously survived his suicide attempt and fought back to restore his mental health and well-being. Aaron Childress is an author and renowned public speaker known for his thought-provoking workshops, keynote addresses, inspired writing, and insightful counseling for affected individuals suffering from poor mental health. Aaron’s book - “These Thousands of Days: This is What I Learned After I Killed Myself is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a powerful reminder that through self-discovery, you can overcome even the darkest and most difficult moments in life. To purchase Aaron’s book - “These Thousands of Days: This is What I Learned After I Killed Myself,” please visit https://aaronchildress.com)