This week, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Stacy-Marie Ishmael talk about Facebook’s transformation to Metaverse, how the billionaire income tax would work (and why it won’t happen), and Hertz’s new deal with Tesla.
In the Plus segment: How a butt dial blundered a coup.
**Mentioned In the show: **
“Why Hertz’s big Tesla deal is such a blockbuster)” by Rebecca Heilweil
“Democrats’ billionaire tax would heavily target 10 wealthiest Americans, but alternative plan is emerging)” by Jeff Stein, Andrew Van Dam and Tony Romm
“How the Billionaires Income Tax Would Work)” by Richard Rubin
“What the Metaverse Is, Who’s in It and Why It Matters)” by Nate Lanxon
“Facebook’s Doppelganger ETF Rakes in Cash on Mistaken Identity)” by Vildana Hajric and Claire Ballentine
“Facebook just revealed its new name: Meta)” by Kim Lyons
“Rogers Chairman Fires Board for Firing Him for Firing CEO)” by Matt Levine
Email: [email protected])
Podcast production by Cheyna Roth
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