Shownotes Transcript

‘Fake it till you make it’ - a phrase we've all heard a million times. But for graphic designers, what does it really mean and is it ethical?Originally it was about projecting confidence and optimism, even when you're still honing your skills. But in the digital age, could a more literal interpretation - outright pretending to be something you're not - have a place in graphic design?In this episode of The Angry Designers, the duo cover the direction, this once positive phrase, has now taken in the online world. Sit back and listen as the guys cover:• unpacking the fake it till you make it matra• interpretation today of fake it till you make it• its impact on Graphic Design, New Designers & Seasoned Pros• when 'faking it' is still ok• cultivating a culture of authenticityThis episode will make you rethink who calls themselves experts online.

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