The box office was upended by the success of the film adaptation of the video game IP Five Nights At Freddy's. Tune in as "MagicMan" Sean Grice from the Lakers Fast Break along with Gerald Glassford review the movie and decide why it became so successful and if it's for hardcore followers or general horror movie fans. Plus they also share thoughts on the late Matthew Perry from "Friends" who passed away this past weekend as they discuss the pop culture legacy of his work and how iconic the show truly is. Plus Jeff Sloboda from the MCU's Bleeding Edge stops by to discuss the major events of Loki season two episode four and decide if indeed this could be the beginning of the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in its current form.
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Presented by Pop Culture Cosmos), Zero Cool Films, ThriveFantasy), the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE)), Lakers Fast Break), Pop Culture Cosmos), Inside Sports), Dom-ination Sports Nation), Dig on America), and Retro City Games)!