On our latest Pop Culture Cosmos, Josh and Gerald break down the major competitors to Netflix with the arrival this week of Disney+. What streaming services are a good value, and which ones aren't? We also have the results from the domestic box office, and even though there was a surprise winner, the overall numbers weren't promising. Which has us voice our concerns about why that could be. We also discuss 50 years of Sesame Street and the effect it has had on our culture. Josh also weighs in on the music scene about why there's a fan backlash with bands reuniting for new albums and why he says it isn't always a good idea. All this and Rob McCallum's latest "Off the Cuff" segment has him and his guest JRock talking about the failure of Terminator: Dark Fate and what that might do for James Cameron's upcoming Avatar sequels.
Presented by Rob McCallum Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE)), and Retro City Games!
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