The Pop Culture Cosmos) team of Josh and Gerald are back keeping you up to date on what's current and trending in pop culture. Sony revealed some of the specs behind their upcoming Playstation 5 and the guys compare them to what Microsoft has in mind for its Xbox Series X. Which one looks more powerful on paper and could a price difference hold one back from selling as well as the other. The arrivals of Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons can't come soon enough and what does the advance word say about the viability of each video game. Plus they also count down their favorite Ridley Scott-directed films, and with Gamestop's latest actions, the duo decide if video game stores are truly "essential" in a crisis of this type and how other stores (like our friends at Retro City Games)) might have a better approach on how to remain afloat in these tough times.
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Presented by Pop Culture Cosmos), Rob McCallum Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE)), and Retro City Games!
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