cover of episode Episode 907: M4 iMac, M4 MacBook Pro, M4 Mac mini now available

Episode 907: M4 iMac, M4 MacBook Pro, M4 Mac mini now available

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Macworld Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jason Cross
Michael Simon
主持人: 本期节目讨论了苹果公司新款Mac产品,包括iMac、MacBook Pro和Mac mini,以及搭载的M4芯片。苹果公司此次发布方式与以往不同,没有举行大型发布会,而是分批次发布。 Jason Cross: 分批次发布的方式对媒体和消费者来说更好,可以有更多时间消化信息。但缺点是需要更多时间观看所有产品介绍视频。新款M4 MacBook Pro的配置基本符合之前的传闻,解决了之前的一些批评,例如内存不足的问题。M4 MacBook Pro的不同配置在端口数量上有所差异,要充分利用Thunderbolt 5的数据传输速度,需要Thunderbolt 5的驱动器和线缆。Thunderbolt 5的性能会受到线缆长度的影响。 Michael Simon: 分批次发布对苹果公司更有利,可以延长媒体报道时间。Thunderbolt 4和5的主要区别在于数据传输速度、显示器支持和供电能力。Thunderbolt 5配件比Thunderbolt 4配件更贵。M4 MacBook Pro的外接显示器支持能力取决于具体的配置和分辨率。新款Mac mini的上市时间为11月8日,现在可以预订。新款Mac mini的尺寸比之前的型号更小,但比Apple TV大。新款Mac mini的性价比很高,苹果公司还提升了旧款MacBook Air的内存配置。苹果公司此次升级旧款产品内存配置的做法非常罕见。苹果公司此次发布新产品是为了提升Mac产品销量。新款iMac的升级幅度相对较小,主要变化在于处理器和端口。入门级iMac的M4芯片配置低于其他型号。苹果公司新款配件均采用USB-C接口,不再使用Lightning接口。苹果的Magic Mouse设计存在诸多问题,Magic Mouse底部接口的设计反映了苹果公司对外观设计的优先级高于用户体验。随着苹果公司新款配件采用USB-C接口,Lightning接口即将退出历史舞台。新款iMac和MacBook Pro提供了纳米纹理屏幕选项,纳米纹理屏幕可以减少反光,但会降低色彩鲜艳度和对比度。苹果公司应该采用更新的防眩光技术。纳米纹理屏幕选项的售价因产品而异,在iPhone上提供纳米纹理屏幕选项可能成本过高,在iPhone上提供纳米纹理屏幕选项的必要性值得商榷。

Deep Dive

The episode kicks off with a discussion about the new M4 iMac, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini, highlighting the absence of a live event for their announcement.
  • New products announced without a live event
  • M4 chip featured in all new models
  • Expectations for reviews and deeper analysis in the near future

Shownotes Transcript


This week is full of treats from apple. We've got a new imac, new mac book prose and a new mac mini all sporting the new m four chip. We'll talk about the new products and more on this episode of the macro o podcast, and we promise no tricks.

Tomato pocket. I know the loyal here with Jason cross.

Good morning .

and Michael Simon.

thank you, sir. I will wait, wait. hello.

That's the of the podcast I was.

I was just on out of piot that was so weird. All the query start this thing, what day is IT? How are you people that's last? The other thing.

we're recording this a day later that we usually do, so mikes people and thrown out.

It's a little bit like G I. I already did the whole poets in my hand. I was done.

Apple released new max based on the end for trip this week. So on today's show, we're talking about the new imac, the new mac would pro, the new mac mini and the new m for chip. Uh, but first let's talk about the new way apple introduced these max. I guess it's kind of know um because we didn't get a single over arguing event like we did with the scary fast event last year.

This was the greatest way to introduce stuff as a as someone who covers this this this stuff, this was a fantastic to have a time to look forward to the announcement, to take the time to digest at all, and like dive into the backs and like, great, fantastic do this all the time.

up all the time.

plus said it's gotto be Better for them, right? Because IT spreads out the announcement and IT IT gives them three days of headlines rather than just one day of.

I think this .

is ideal and all in all in all ways is great. I guess .

the drawback for me is that I haven't actually watched the so I do do videos s for each of these products. So it's like if they had the event but they segmented them now yeah .

and they posted them a little entry where they say, like this is day two of the right right they have a little .

transitions but yeah .

yeah um they're like little kind of fifteen minute portions of an event just cut up into a small little video .

yeah .

yeah I haven't watched the mac mini and the macbook pro videos yet so i'm still trying to catch up on that. Um but I like IT a little Better too um so IT IT makes IT easier to plan and for r sing yeah but let's talk about the product released today. We're according to sound wednesday and that's the m for macbook pro IT sounds like in terms of like what happened with the base and for model the rumer rumors s kind of came true out of of all all of that yeah the rumors were .

based on like most that week like I was yeah like were actually .

using them on .

youtube and saying like this is the new and four macbook right and yeah so IT IT seems as though that was actually a league e and somehow they got their hands on work because all of these bets they talking .

about spied on yeah ten core C P U, ten core G P U. Sixteen years around five starts with five, twelve storage yeah yeah .

three thunder four ports now instead of just two um so it's IT is a true pro machine. We've been to the on really like literally .

checked every single box, every single criticism box. Yes no longer a criticism that have double a RAM. So you you can quibble and say that approach should have twenty four years, but whatever sixteen is OK IT was not well.

And if you get the m4 pro chip IT does start twenty four, started eighteen. So that's Better to exactly.

And everything is the same Price. You have the Better camera, which we've been yelling about for anyone know roman and fifteen years have you been running at the macbook pro .

facebook face?

Time have like on the studio on .

display and staff yeah .

yeah so the pan and stuff the iphone camera .

or or the ipad camera .

yes you right .

also cool yeah um so the a macbook pro also got that. So there's an interesting change in terms of the ports. So the base m four model has thunder able four ports, but if you upgrade to the m three pro and the m3 max vulnerable five.

so which is like that's the kind of upgrade you expect going to um you know with three thousand and dollar machine like you get a slightly um once more than slightly but the James going to explain that much Better than I can but like that's the kind of pro upgrade I would expect if i'm gonna spend you know a couple thousand dollars on a machine I get this is a little extra benefit for someone buying, uh, I am the pro or and .

four pro or and for next so go go okay。

I have a question .

about yeah I was have a question about the thunder able for mostly about thunder able five so right, to take advantage of thunder five, the data rate, do you need to have a thunderous five drive? Yes.

does you do you need thunder? Just like before you need thunder? Five support on on each chain, and a cable apple cells at one meter cable for sixty nine bucks.

The thunder about five performance is not gonna on long cables. You can get like a three meter thunder about four cable. You're not gonna get that super high speed at three meters. That's study.

What is the difference between four and five?

People don't know it's basically double. So there's three meetings. One is higher data rate, about for work because of the forty gig bits per second or about five because of the eighty gig bits per second。 And there's a boost mode to go to one.

Two is displayed, is based on display port two point one and stuff. So thought about four maxed out at two four k displays at sixty hurts. About five goes three four k displays at one hundred and forty four years right then.

The third is power a. The thought about four required a hundred of what a power delivery in and could support up to one forty done. About five requires one forty.

I mean, one twenty. A thought about five requires one twenty, can support up to two forty. Love does your main, it's not about four, but more like but.

Relatively high and setups like yeah.

I mean, yes, we're not about multiple high rise displays transferring really fresh data. I don't think the power delivery is gonna a matter to like I don't think a macbook can take power in any faster than that. Like that's just not a that's not gonna be the significant thing for most people. That's gonna be more about um in the future having displays that have turn what five displays where the display has one plug into the wall and then you can hook up your laptops and stuff like that charges them quickly like that more quickly even so that that's just that's .

about you might not know the answer that is put our thunder about five accessories significantly more expensive than nonna .

four or IT is hard to tell with the cable apple cable um because they they don't sell one meter thone of all four cable. It's like our point eight meters or three meters and they cost more. They're like one hundred twenty nine dollars or something like that.

So the the of about five cable, sixty nine dollars, but it's only one. So it's like, I guess, the same Price issue, whatever. There's just not a lot of think of about five stuff out there.

IT just came out like intel finalize the speak about a year ago last september. And then the first pcs with about five just sort of hit the market this summer, the first kind of couple laptops and stuff. So even in the whole wide world of windows computers and everything else, it's just dropped. So I I have it'd be really specialized stuff like I think about five specific drive or what car um but then there's eight monitors or monitors and it's really all about hooking up a bunch of monitoring if that's litter into 对 对。

Speaking of hooking up a bunch of monitors, I forget after time, I I believe you can hooked up on the base and for two external displays. And but the thing is, IT gets all kind of depends, unlike the resolution in the refresh rates that you're running things like that. So it's it's a little complicated. And I think what the four pro you can run up the three displays again, I think that's like I want to say sixty at sixty hurts. That may not be corrected because because it's because there is always these are situation is like you can have two display ys, but and one could be A K one be k yeah .

just based on display ports staff .

polite support page the m .

four I M four pro ah up to two occurring displays with six k resolution at sixty hearts over the boat, or when external display up to sixty resolution at sixty hurts and one is displayed with up to four k, eight hundred and forty four hearts. So if you want higher refresh, one of them has .

to be at work.

yeah. And H D, M, I like to do A K at sixty hours or four K A two forty hurts. The max models can do four external displays up to three with sixty, sixty or one four k and one forty four and um I guess three eyes so three at sixty three, six case at sixty and one fork .

one forty four .

or three with sixty, sixty and one 8K。 Or one at four k at two forty hearts so if you if you increase the heart from one forty two to forty, you have to go down the three externals .

yeah which like that's a lot. Anyway.

the two hundred and I .

suppose gamers but if you're .

a gamer at that at that level, you're probably not use IT. I yeah .

that's .

yeah yeah that's not that unusual, even expensive, especially ten ten people whenever there's there's a lot of two hundred, forty years out there. It's which you not can be running multiple of them from your macbook pro very often.

Um yeah so the that the that was the mac pro has the inform max is a new only on the mac proof that the mac mini only has the m 4NM4 pro because IT has no internal display of its own IT sports up to two displays, again like in the in for proposing and the two displays if it's uh one is A K and one is six k and sixty hours or whatever or two four k two hundred forty hearts displays or I can do three up to six k sixty years, right? So what about all H T M? Something just basically lap one display off because he doesn't have an internal display.

yes. And like Jason said, ones H T M, I IT does that. H T M.

right? So Jason, actually that was a great same .

way to to try .

of the same ways the capability was released, yes, or announced yesterday. All these new max aren't gonna be shipping until november eighth, but you can preorder them now. Uh, so the new mac mini came out and IT is smaller than the previous mac mini. It's not the rumor size of the apple TV.

but it's they say it's kind yeah the only said gonna a be bigger than an apple TV. It's just more like yeah I actually think it's more like a max studio. It's like a smaller squatter. Max IT looks like a max studio, just not drink a little bit, but five inches by five inches and like twice as thick. And I swear everybody is making the biggest deal about the power point.

Yeah power bands on the underside, like under the lip IT is raised off A A fan in taking output like just like the max studio is, although round fainting and in the corners are like raised off your desk. And that's where the power button. And how often do you turn off your just .

twice year .

you actually do people know you can shut .

down your mac through mac of us we to .

turn IT on yeah, this a thing you .

can get that you have to turn, you have to reach and you do have to.

but you not will doing that, you're just going to sleep. Motor.

whatever seems, will test some point soon but IT looks like you can stick your finger under there because it's raised a little bit because of the fan. IT looks like you don't have like, like there were pictures on social media of .

people like, look, I got to do my thing like this. Like to lessons raised up more and I have skinny fingers.

It's not really gonna be yeah.

yeah, tilted a little bit, but I put my monitor on my mac studio so .

it's too small. It's right. Can can yes, I think the new .

money yeah, I think if IT, I will have to see as but it's just not that big deal, guys. It's really .

not just remember the last time I had a hard reset a mac, I don't remembers. I mean, I do .

restart, right?

Yeah but I don't know when I or even even my macbook like I don't know when I had to like half the power button to start IT.

And rather than just want to show down that the mac mini is often used in like you know these special projects and like kiosk, like you know like there used to be there was a time when before car play, when people would install make minutes on their cars. Yeah and so you you know you have to fit in in a certain way.

And I may you know you may not be able to pull IT out of whatever uh, placement you're pointing in in for your special project, whatever that is so that you know but how many people are doing that? Doing the people who are complain on such me? Those were doing that .

the power like next, something in the back corner, on the back edge. So it's like, I don't know you got to put you in a weird way to hard reset that I don't know. This does not seem like a big deal.

Everybody who's made these server racks to hold a whole bunch of big minutes are going mad because it's a different shape now it's like smaller and factor. So like to build build new server, these new facilities. Um but you know actually in terms of value, mac mini is looking pretty good still.

Five ninety nine for the base m four, but it's it's a full m four. It's a full ten core C P U, ten core G P M, four sixteen giggs are right right, two hundred fifty six giggs of story doesn't grade. You'd want to upgrade that.

But six hundred box, that's a good it's it's decent value and then even the lowest in for provera fourteen hundred dollars for that, that's twelve course CPU sixteen core GPU way more memory than like more than double than every band with in everything twenty four giggs over and to start and five hundred twelve gigs already and that's fourteen hundred box. Both those are pretty good deals. They both they as typical ada, they start to good active to be a good deal when you start to have to pay for more RAM or more storage because they're upgrade Prices for that.

A very bad still. It's high.

still crazy, still absolute. And but base model m for and m for pro mac mines are really looking like pretty good deals, especially when you consider sort of all reports and stuff did they have in and that the starting memory is decent.

Someone yeah we we publish article today like the mini is finally like what the mini is like supposed to be like this real kind of breakthrough yeah, tiny device at a at a really of attractive Price, like they could charged six ninety nine instead of a new design you get, you know, but they kept at five ninety nine, raised the rams. So you specially I mean with apples RAM Prices and this goes for the macbook pro to you specially, they basically gave everything in two another Price cut, right? Essentially because all Prices in ane they are still in the but you bring .

up a really good, you brought up a really good point. They still upgraded all the existing macbook airs that even in two, the two in n three mats now start at sixteen gigs, just like everything else with the same Price.

with the same Price. Real time you .

bought a macbook air like apple .

has that fourteen day return policy. So if you did buy one recently, take a advantage of IT. But yeah, and IT goes for the m two model too.

So like, they didn't have to do that. I mean, apple is not running a charity. They're winning a business. They said, well, if you you gotta get the m three, but they didn't. So it's it's rare and I possibly unprecedented that apple just hands out upgrades to their older products like that.


It's it's .

usually win a new product launch. They would wait for a new product launch for something, right? So yeah, he was .

yeah, that just .

kind of get IT to wear. I mean, look at the Price of the the cheapest m two macbook air, which is okay at this point of several years old processor, still being nine ninety nine, so that having sixteen gigs around is not out of wack with the rest of the industry like a gigs was like even for apple's cheapest laptop into thousand dollars, IT has an old processor and acres and you so they finally kind of they bought themselves some .

time before .

we start complaining that, like Jason said, buy some time a couple years and everything gonna start. Now sixteen going to be like the absolute, the base, and we're going to need twenty four, thirty two, sixty more more, more, more. But um like we expected the m three, i'm sorry, we expected the m four. Upgrading the the macbook air now and not next year is you know impressive .

just given little .

more yeah .

a decent around .

around yeah yes especially considering that the macbook cares rumor to be updated in the spring so that six months they could have just love to .

allow and stop yeah people .

would stop by here. So uh, apple um thursday is the financial results, not that this these max will be included in that, but that was financial. I know I don't mean the drift into financial time. People always been kind of say that max cells are down, max ells are down and was looking for a way to boost max cells.

And so yeah, I think that holiday quarter will include a nice healthy mac section when you IT when IT comes down to. And really, you can look at all of them like they cut the Price of the ipad from four fifty to three fifty. They even iphone, like we expected.

Maybe the iphone was going to a get a higher Price. I didn't like apple has been pretty aggressive this year with its entry level products. And the iphone I see is the only one that stands out that was being a terrible value. But it's gonna get Better in a couple months.

We hope so. Yeah um and then um that that presses to the the first one they announce, which was the imac, which is a relatively small upgrade over the existing in three colors are little bother the it's got him for and you can get in in a texture.

Is there anything else changed about IT?

Is with the two? Is that the two higher end models? So the base models still has the two thunder able ports? Yeah but the other two used to come with two thunder able ports and two U S, B, C.

ports. So four ports total. Now they're all thunder balt. I yeah, so it's kind of a minor thing. But I bet apple got a lot of complaints about people getting mixed up about which port is which on those four four IMAX。

Yeah it's worth noting that the for the entry level IMAX and four is a cutback and four it's A A core CPU a core GPU. It's not true on the imac for exit. I mean the mac many or you get the the mac row, you get the full ten cords of which, so you have to spend, you have to get the next step up, which is fifteen hundred dollars next to two hundred dollars to get the four ten cars.

And that also gives you the keyboard with touch I D IT gives you the the .

power adapter with the net.

And another small changes um any color is is available now in any configuration IT used to be for higher .

and now .

you can get whatever go you and whatever model .

you they I kind of think, aren't they bored? The back .

was very viBrant for the m one and the m one OK. Now there maybe those front OK annoyingly.

I think they don't sell any of the covered accesses except for with those those IMAX. So like if you're blue keyboard dies for some reason or the dog ate IT, like you can't disco by a blue replace with keyboard.

which I guess make sense because apple would have to spend like I have stock for a bunch of colors I know is going to buy. Like IT makes sense of that on selling ably. I wonder if you call apple and say, hey, as Jason said, my dog, my keyboard will sell you one. If you are an imac owner, I wonder, try Jason apple, break your, break your next. I want to .

see if the apple .

care .

replace 对, are the color. But I just yeah but you can buy but people have wanted that because they just want to buy a minor anything I think they want the color yb ard and I .

get they should have IT I get but they're to have so much extra stock .

of those they are to five of, don't have that many don't have that much extra stock. They have to produce them for the ship.

ships and Green. I have weeks of you.

I mean, well, they have to produce them for the IMAX. So just have a few, just some X, N, O, if they're gonna sell a whole, but that's fine. Just make a one percent extra. And then to sell individually.

they could do that. Speak speaking of the accessory there, now equipped with U, S, B, C ports, no more lightning ports. Uh, the magic mouse still has its port underneath the mouse.

least of our long ntma continues.

Yeah but .

yes, that often it's funny because I always get outraged about IT then I sit there and go but it's a stupid, poor, you know spend five minutes charging IT go get a drink of water.

Come back here. IT remains .

a .

it's a weird thing, especially since the track pad doesn't have a that way. But ultimately like its fine, like fifty minutes a month.

What IT is is a symbolic of a time when there was an intense priority of design overall yeah that's that's what that is.

It's a visible it's a very .

visible reminder reminder .

that this is a bad mouse that looks right, right? Because I mean, it's bad in a lot of ways like it's it's too heavy for its size, is too low and flat IT doesn't fit your hand IT doesn't have tackle buttons. IT has like the whole thing is like kind of one big button and the whole top is a touch thing.

But you can you don't know where the touch area ends. I'll just wants smooth thing. And having the whole mouse click when you press IT means that, like, it's too easy to move the mouse as you click, like to make your clicking motion, make the mouse move a little bit.

You can't crip IT naturally because of its so low and flat, it's got a bad polling. great. You can only, uh, I like, uh, you can only pair IT with one machine like the the laundry list of like why this is a ten years at a date mouth like is long great and that's .

one of the and that's what the the port on the bottom of just reminds .

that like look how good they made this look they didn't want port where you could see IT like it's like, yeah, that was your priority. You may just literate and it's got all these other problem for sure. I somebody apple needs to start using some of the latest kind of gaming my stuff for pcs, because when you use a mouse that has number one of very high political and number two is super light.

Like that's the latest trend, I say, latest several years now theyve been making these really, really light White mice for for gamers, for me. But it's just so delightful to use a mouse that feels that feels like an empty shell, like just feels like empty plastic. When is that light? Your hand moving around just feels lovely.

And that's where apple should be headed. They should be like, how do we make this feel like like just air, just like, yeah just move IT in. Yes.

that's a be really.

really super responsive stuff plus things that everyone's doing, large tech and everything else where you can like even switch on the bottom to parent with multiple machines and justified switch and then use IT on your other, on your laptop, in your best top and stuff which is not doing any of that. Come on, apple.

So with the with the U S B C mac accessory that only lightning devices left are the iphone S E and the iphone fourteen.

but the and they're .

probably gone. So i'm not sure if, i'm not sure if the iphone S C replaces the iphone fourteen and fifteen like so there's rumors that goes gonna an iphone s in I N S C plus. Maybe the Price goes up to five hundred and five fifty.

Do they take away the end fourteen regardless of all that does that this show IT looks like lightning is gone by, like next march, like, i'll be no more, no more. Just so, you know, rip, you did you serve as well. Lightning IT .

IT solved. IT sold the real problem when we had a real problem. And IT was a million times Better than mico USB .

thirty pin connector. Oh yeah, you could .

never head that thirty pin connector on. You know, so many of these smaller devices you imagine your like airport's case with yeah but yeah I just and said like micro USB.

which was like the solution I was I was awful and remains like they're still a bunch of things out there. And every time I need to plug something, and I always do IT wrong, the first time I have the week.

le IT always just the worst. Whoever design, it's very hit. You feel like gins time you do.

it's terble.

Yeah, I remember when the .

samsung galaxy S A, or something like they use that. And I was like, man is so bad, just, just lightning, and was superior every way. But now we PC.

And I still think I stop a job of lightning cables, do them. I think .

I have lightning, a magic track pad right here.

like I still need. I got the keep accessory, keyboards, stuff, yei pods. Pro two are still the. But i've still gotten rid of last, last recycling day. I got rid of eighty percent of five.

Last time I actually, I actually dopted .

out on the living room floor, sorted them, and you take a zip top bags. And so you put several of a single kind, like, this is U. S, B, C, on both cut asides.

You put like several in one bag. And o, okay, those are U S, B, C on both sides and this sort of out. Then I throw out ninety percent of my old cams. Yeah.

I still have firework.

So I, I think I have. So I have a draw of cables that I actually might use, and then I have a box of cables that I never got to use. yes. And in there .

I have numerous firework. I, T, I came there like a port pins and .

they're like grape hooks because they had they have this little screws school. Like you pull IT and you pull everything with IT. terrible.

That's pretty well.

What thing I want to point out with the imac and the macbook prose, the displays now come with a nano texture option. You have to teach your money for IT.

which was already on the ipad pro and the .

studio display yeah yeah. So the nano texture um is a math like finish. If you don't like glossy, you cannot get this might like finish IT does cut down reflections not completely but it's not as reflective as as class y if you like. The drawback is that a your color's won't look as viBrant, right?

Yeah you lose a little bit of contrast. I mean, honestly, unless it's a major issue and you're always in direct on light or you're working in a place where is super bright light.

yeah a lot of office environments and stuff, yes, especially with the overhead floor and lights and stuff, he'll be staying at your reflection. It's it's worth losing a small bit of contrast.

You pretty one of those environments because otherwise, like if you just like that finishes, like if you're not gonna taking advantage of the antigay are like juice stick with the regular display .

IT is probably time, but I know this is sort of an apple thing and there are the only one who deals with antigay this way, but it's probably going to be time for them to move on soon because there are some new antigay are um finishes that we saw this past city. So this past january, almost a year now on some new tb models, very specific team models, is not widespread yet, but they are insanely good.

They don't cut down contrast hardly at all, and they do an amazing job of living in glare. And they don't have a map looked to them. They look still very clear, shiny, but they absolutely cut down, clear, way more than any no texture i've ever seen .

or anything .

like that. And country.

sorry, just the the galaxy s twenty four, twenty four ultra, whatever the latest one is, they use something like that on the yeah .

I think it's probably the same. I think it's the same process and technology just like just like apple three brands, careful glass, they have a good, good at the same kind of thing. So but that, that is available now and that's i'd really like to see apple m next jene move to that. I I bet it's more affordable than doing this nanotech thing but I also doesn't give your monitor that matt look and everything still very contracted and clear but he cuts down reflections even more crazy yeah the um .

so the nana vize is like literally edge like you can see that you can feel IT on the screen that could there the uh Jason said it's is that a charge? It's one hundred hours for the ipad pro, hundred and fifty for the macbook pro and two hundred for the um imac.

So it's you know it's IT cost a little bit interesting that the only three apple makes that doesn't have that option on a pro model is the or or any model is the I do we think that the iphone seventeen pro or I ve had to all of them maybe? Well, they do that. What they bother.

I wonder. I don't think they would ever do IT on all of them. And then like, do they want us to make IT an option and then split because it's in the glass, so the'd have to split product and everything. Honestly, you can get some screen protectors that have really incredible antique, the features and stuff for t like thirty dollars something.


really good ones that have really good antigay are and and really good glass, or maybe thirty. And there's no way apple would charge less than that for this ano .

texture option. So I IT might be like to cost prohibitive to have an option like that. The iphone.

I think it's about they already have enough between the colors and the sizes. They are already splitting production enough ways, then they're gona have regular ornano texture.

right? I those one probably like .

that rumor.

iphone seventeen, slim or err or whatever they are onna call IT that I wonder if that would be the one they may be tested on as a good future .

for a little .

bit more to that. Is even is is that even an issue really with a handheld .

device like an iphone that's I I use samsung, I tried IT out and it's very impressive because yes, you can always kind of move your iphone to a difference to see. But there are times when you go to a raise the brightness one thousand because you're in a super bright room or you're going to lower the shade because you're in a spot. So if they can do IT in a way like Jason was just talking about where it's not notice in the sense that you don't lose that contrast and you don't necessarily see the the the texture, I think that would be, I think people would would.

would really like IT here. So all these new max were just announced. They start shipping on november eighth. Uh, so you can go to order one now if you want. I don't know, I didn't have a check, check to see if the ship data started slipping.

I got IT.

Yea, ten. So yeah.

there may be specific configurations .

that right there Better at the high.

No, iphone doesn't really slip off like certain models. And but we're .

planning on getting these products in and will have reviews and we'll talk about them again, again in the near future. That does IT for this episode, the Michael podcast, episode nine, hundred and seven. Thanks to Jason on cross. Thank you. Thanks to Michael Simon.

Should I should I say hello, sir, to end this?

yeah. Thanks to the audience. Thank you for tuning in. You have scribe to the maco podcast in the podcast APP on spotify through any other podcast APP or on the new micro podcast channel on youtube where you can see a video version of this podcast. Just searched for Michael podcast on youtube.

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