I'm so excited! The audiobook written by Frederick Dodson, “The Reality Creation Technique”, which I had the pleasure of recording, is released! This is a quick listen, at only 2.5 hours, and the other best-part is it costs about as much as a latte at Starbucks, but is a lot better for you! This book is about manifesting and bringing things into your life, and has some very practical techniques you may not have used before. And in Part 3, Fred tells some personal stories of things that showed up in his life by applying these tools, and the stories themselves are encouraging.
Also this week, Hay House released a hot new book from a not new author, Noah St. John.
Plus, I've been digesting material by Steven Pressfield and I saw a highly inspiring movie about how your subconscious mind directly affects your health, and how you can program health issues out of your life.
Great food for the soul, all available now, and we review everything in the Podcast!
Click Here to download the Audiobook – Reality Creation Technique )
Click Here to buy Afformations by Noah St. John – Paperback)
Click Here to buy The Cure is….Movie)
Steven Pressfield The War of Art ) Do the Work) Turning Pro)
The Power of Mastering Your Subconscious Mind
The post Podcast 31 – Food for the Subconscious Soul) appeared first on Subconscious Mind Mastery).
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