cover of episode Why America’s Debt Bubble is About to Pop with Peter Schiff | Align Podcast #519

Why America’s Debt Bubble is About to Pop with Peter Schiff | Align Podcast #519

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Aaron Alexander
Peter Schiff
Peter Schiff: 当前美国经济面临的最大问题是通货膨胀,并且情况只会恶化。巨额的国家债务(即将突破36万亿美元)是经济危机的关键因素。美国持续累积债务,特朗普和拜登政府期间债务均创下历史新高。美国经济的表面繁荣是虚假的,制造业持续低迷,贸易和预算赤字巨大。美国民众正承受着高通胀带来的经济压力,这与媒体和华尔街宣传的“强大经济”形成鲜明对比。高通胀导致民众负债累累,生活成本飙升,很多人不得不打多份工才能维持生计。通货膨胀被严重低估,GDP增长数据掩盖了经济实际的萎缩。美元贬值导致股票的实际价值下降,人们被误导认为自己更富有。政府数据中通货膨胀被低估,这扭曲了对经济增长的评估。美国经济并非完全自由市场,政府干预导致数据失真。通货膨胀计算方法被操纵,以低估实际通胀率。货币供应量的扩张是通货膨胀的根本原因。2008年金融危机和新冠疫情后,货币供应量急剧增加,加剧了通货膨胀。通过量化宽松和印钞来刺激经济的策略,其可持续性有限。“踢皮球”策略最终会导致更严重的问题,但具体何时爆发危机无法预测。经济危机是不可避免的,主流媒体会将其描绘成无法预测的事件。当经济危机爆发时,普通民众将面临生活成本急剧上升和经济困难。美国过度依赖进口,贸易逆差巨大,这使得美国经济极度脆弱。当世界意识到美国经济的破产时,美元将大幅贬值,导致生活成本飙升。美元贬值将导致美国生活成本大幅上涨,民众将被迫节衣缩食。 对于资产较少的人,建议囤积生活必需品,以应对未来物价上涨和供应短缺。建议人们为应对经济危机做准备,囤积必需品并提高自给自足能力。政府可能实施价格管制,导致商品短缺,建议持有贵金属以应对这种情况。建议投资于实物资产,如房地产、拥有实物资产的公司的股票以及自然资源,以对抗通货膨胀。建议投资于新兴市场公司,这些公司将从美国经济衰退中受益。美国无法偿还巨额债务,只能通过通货膨胀等方式来应对。政府通过印钞来弥补财政赤字,导致通货膨胀加剧。美国政府无法偿还债务,这将导致美元崩溃,经济陷入瘫痪。美国向世界各国借债,但无法偿还。美元作为储备货币的地位是美国经济的支柱,但这种地位岌岌可危。如果美元失去储备货币地位,美国将无法继续维持巨额贸易逆差,物价将大幅上涨。美元贬值将导致房地产市场下跌,但某些类型的房地产,如农田,可能表现良好。 建议学习一些实用的技能,例如维修电子产品,以应对未来物价上涨和服务短缺。政府干预经济,增加经济负担,并导致资源配置效率低下。自由市场机制能够有效配置资源,而政府干预则会降低效率。政府干预导致资源错配,并增加企业成本。政府监管通常是为了维护官僚机构的利益,而非为了保护消费者或环境。民主制度容易导致政府过度干预经济,损害经济效率。共和制与民主制的主要区别在于对政府权力的制约。纸币制度最终会失败,但比特币并非理想的替代品。比特币无法满足作为货币的基本要求。黄金的价值并非完全基于其故事或叙事,而是基于其内在属性。黄金的价值源于其物理属性和广泛的用途。黄金价格上涨是由于美元贬值,而非黄金本身价值的提升。所有商品价格上涨都是由于货币贬值。比特币的价值基于投机,而非实际用途。人们购买比特币是为了投机获利,而非实际使用。黄金是真正的货币,而比特币只是一个投机工具。 Aaron Alexander: 美国正处于比2008年更大的金融危机边缘。对于不同资产规模的个人,在当前经济形势下,如何进行投资以规避风险?政府干预经济的负面影响是什么?美国未来是否会回归金本位制?你对加密货币和比特币的看法如何?如果美元不再是储备货币,对美国经济的影响是什么?在经济危机中,个人如何通过提升自身能力来应对挑战?美国巨额债务对经济的影响有多大?

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Peter Schiff believe the U.S. economy is on the brink of a financial crisis worse than 2008?

Schiff argues that the U.S. economy is in a debt bubble, with national debt nearing $36 trillion, massive trade and budget deficits, and a collapsing dollar. He believes inflation is underreported, and the Federal Reserve’s policies of low interest rates and quantitative easing have only delayed the inevitable crisis. The economy’s apparent strength is an illusion, as rising GDP is driven by inflation rather than real growth.

What are the potential consequences of the U.S. losing its reserve currency status?

Losing reserve currency status would mean the U.S. can no longer borrow cheaply or sustain its massive trade deficits. Imports would become prohibitively expensive, leading to higher consumer prices and a lower standard of living. The dollar’s collapse would also cause long-term interest rates to rise, further straining the economy and forcing Americans to live within their means.

How does Peter Schiff recommend individuals prepare for an economic collapse?

Schiff advises stocking up on non-perishable essentials like food, medicine, and household items, as prices will rise and shortages may occur. For those with more resources, he recommends investing in real assets like gold, silver, real estate, and stocks in companies with tangible resources. He also suggests becoming more self-sufficient, such as growing food or learning skills like repairing electronics.

What is Peter Schiff’s view on the Federal Reserve’s role in the current economic crisis?

Schiff criticizes the Federal Reserve for creating inflation by expanding the money supply, particularly after the 2008 financial crisis and during COVID. He argues that the Fed’s low interest rates and quantitative easing have only delayed the crisis, making it worse when it eventually occurs. He believes the Fed’s policies are unsustainable and will lead to a collapse of the dollar.

Why does Peter Schiff believe inflation is underreported in the U.S.?

Schiff claims the methodology for calculating the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is designed to underreport inflation. He argues that while the CPI may show 3% inflation, the actual rate is closer to 6%. This underreporting allows the government to mask the true extent of economic decline and present a false narrative of growth.

What does Peter Schiff predict will happen to the U.S. dollar in the near future?

Schiff predicts a significant drop in the value of the U.S. dollar as global trading partners begin to de-dollarize. Central banks are already reducing their dollar holdings, and this trend will accelerate, leading to higher long-term interest rates and consumer prices. The dollar’s collapse will force Americans to live within their means, resulting in a more austere lifestyle.

How does Peter Schiff view the role of government in the economy?

Schiff believes government interference in the economy, through subsidies, regulations, and central planning, leads to inefficient resource allocation and increased costs. He argues that the free market, driven by competition and supply and demand, is the most efficient way to allocate resources. Government intervention, in his view, only exacerbates economic problems.

What is Peter Schiff’s opinion on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

Schiff is highly skeptical of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, arguing that they cannot function as real money. He believes Bitcoin’s value is based on speculation rather than intrinsic utility, and it lacks the properties of a store of value like gold. He predicts Bitcoin will eventually crash, as it has no real-world use case or end user.

What does Peter Schiff think about the U.S. returning to a gold standard?

Schiff believes the U.S. will eventually return to a gold standard, as the current fiat money system is unsustainable. He argues that fiat currencies always end in hyperinflation, and gold’s intrinsic properties make it the most reliable form of money. He views the current period of fiat currency as an aberration that will eventually collapse.

How does Peter Schiff assess the impact of AI on the U.S. economy?

Schiff acknowledges that AI could improve productivity and efficiency, but he doubts the U.S. can afford the necessary investments due to its massive debt. He believes the short-term economic challenges, such as inflation and debt, will overshadow any potential long-term benefits from AI.

Shownotes Transcript

DISCLAIMER:* This podcast was recorded before Donald Trump was elected as the President of the United States.*

Peter Schiff breaks down the looming economic crisis, exploring skyrocketing debt, underreported inflation, and the risks of a collapsing dollar. Learn why the U.S. economy's apparent strength is an illusion and what losing reserve currency status could mean for Americans. Schiff shares actionable advice on surviving rising costs, investing in real assets, and preparing for an uncertain financial future. A must-watch for anyone seeking clarity in chaotic economic times.


Peter Schiff is one of the few non-biased investment advisors (not committed solely to the short side of the market) to have correctly called the current bear market before it began and to have positioned his clients accordingly. As a result of his accurate forecasts on the U.S. stock market, economy, real estate, the mortgage meltdown, credit crunch, subprime debacle, commodities, gold, and the dollar, he is becoming increasingly more renowned. He has been quoted in many of the nation’s leading newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and appears regularly on CNBC, CNN, Fox News, Fox Business Network, and Bloomberg T.V. His best-selling book, “Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse” was published by Wiley & Sons in February of 2007. His second book, “The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down” was published by Wiley & Sons in October of 2008.

Mr. Schiff began his investment career as a financial consultant with Shearson Lehman Brothers, after having earned a degree in finance and accounting from U.C. Berkeley in 1987. A financial professional for over thirty years, he is the owner of Euro Pacific Asset management and chief economist and global strategist for Euro Pacific Capital, a division of Alliance Global Partners. He is also Chairman of SchiffGold, a precious metals dealer based out of Manhattan.


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Aaron Alexander is a pioneering manual therapist and movement coach with over 5 years experience. He is the founder and creator of The Align Method, author of The Align Method book, and host of The Align Podcast which has ranked #1 in Nutrition on Apple Podcasts.

Aaron has worked with some of the world’s greatest professional athletes, performers, and celebrities to help relieve pain, improve strength, better flexibility, and ease the mind and body.

On this channel, Aaron interviews renowned experts in a range of fields focused on improving the mind and body. This mind and body podcast will teach you all that you need to know to become the healthiest version of yourself by integrating simplified ancient techniques and the foundational principles of The Align Method to strengthen your body, balance the mind, and activate healing systems in daily life.

The mission? To be the best personal growth podcast about healthy habits, redefine functional movement, and make fitness who you are; not what you do.


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