It was a Wednesday like no other: a twos-day. 2/2/22. Now, we could have done an even MORE twos-day show on 2/22/22, but we didn't think that far ahead. Also, that hasn't happened yet. Kyle at HardOCP discussing the end of MSRP's for GPUs, AMD is buying Xilinx, Sony jumps in the game with buying Bungie, we review the EVGA XR1, Battlefield 2042 going to get finished, Intel 12gen laptop CPU performance, Android Malware and Raspberry Pi goes 64bit. Check the timestamps...
Timestamps00:00 Cold Open/Intro03:40 Burger of the Week05:21 HardOCP Kyle's post on end of GPU MSRPs (and reviewers)23:37 AMD gets go-ahead on Xilinx deal26:33 A brief look at 12th Gen Alder Lake laptop CPU performance, kind of29:04 Intel had two billion reasons to build in Ohio30:16 EVGA E1 is a wild prebuilt gaming PC33:59 BRATA Android malware37:36 JEDEC reveals HBM3 specs41:02 Google relents on legacy G-suite user payment plan42:30 Raspberry Pi 64-bit OS arrives43:56 Battlefield 2042 to be finished, supposedly46:07 Sony buys Bungie49:40 EVGA XR1 review55:40 Picks of the Week1:07:58 Outro